Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 62

30 Nov 2019Flemish Jack
12:20:48 11-28-05

We made out to Waypoint #6 last weekend and have spent the last 6 days scanning every conceivable system that might contain an Earth Like and/or bio signals.  On the run from Colonia we didn’t find jack.  Inside 450 light years from the waypoint, we didn’t find jack.  Really thus far a whole lot of nothing.

So there we were....

To break up the monotony, as I had the con, I diverted us out to a rumored point of interest roughly 460 ly from the rally point.  Turns out the rumors were true and there is a binary system with dual water worlds each.  I get the colloquial name of the system now, Twins’ Tears, cute.  If you’re interested the system can be found at -32759.03125 / 143.5 / 16655.6875.  As an added bonus, the fifth rock based satellite orbiting B5 returned positive for biological signals.  Non-human of course, but showing unscanned so sounds like a plan to me.  The Cannon folks will be pleased once I get to a station…if that ever happens.

Stabby spikey things are pace changers.

As an additional bright side, the name brand rum maker, is making rum verily.  And yes, you can use any liquid that is not rum, and I mean any, to make rum.  So that’s nice.  Certainly makes coming up empty with the scanning more entertaining.

My shipmates seem to be getting along well enough.  No one has been stabbed yet, but there’s plenty of time for that to change.  Plenty of space on this boat so we’re not on top of each other, everything seems to be moving along swimmingly.  Huber is a pretty decent systems engineer and Todd’s a rock solid flight mechanic so the Barcelo is running tip-top.  It’s allowed me to tune the comms array sensitivity a bit so we can pull in GalNet broadcasts from Colonia with a smidgeon higher clarity.  Yay, for reduced squelch. Again, I guess there is an upside to paying people to ride along whether you wanted to or not.

Going to get back to scanning these crystalline thingies.  Shift’s almost over (another benny to having crew I guess).

See you in the black.

Flemish Jack - OUT

Fiery tubes of fire
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