Logbook entry

PEGASUS RUN 3305 - DAY 214

30 Apr 2020Flemish Jack
22:29:16 04-29-06

Greetings from the Bubble.  Yeah we made it back to civilization.  76 days without an incident and by incident I mean we didn’t explode for any reason whatsoever.  We had an incident or two, but mostly good ones.  We think we found the fucker, but we’re pretty sure they’re in a permit locked system with no available permit.  Shocker, but well played refugee types.  

In the end we saw a significant profit, even though it may have been around 350m light.  Crew shares were pretty serious too.  So not only did we confirm INTEL provided at Beagle the Chief has enough to buy her own boat and a pretty damn nice one at that.  That said, we make a good team and are good with carrying on smartly moving forward.  Two pilots are better than one for the long hauls.

For those keeping track:
After the explode-ex we made our way back out to the rim.  Ground our way heartily to Beagle Point and found an, albeit, dusty encrypted data pod (as promised).  After decrypting it was suggested that our running concept that a planet based installation was the initial hiding point, was discovered, and subsequently purged clinically.  This is exactly how we thought shit had gone down.  The additional goodness Gates’ folks provided was there were thin, but tangible, suggestions that a group of "don’t want to be founds" may have snuck their way into Dryman.  Naturally we couldn’t verify this, but it makes sense.  We got as close as we could before navigation became impossible (to and from) and launched a data pod with a public message to whomever, if anyone, may reside there.  The Chief provided proof of life and a few clues to her brother, assuming he’s still alive, re: how to contact her should he be inclined.  It’s a waiting game for now, and we’re good with that.  If he’s alive, once the FTL pod makes it somewhere it can be recovered….  

Hope in one hand….

Like I said…incidents.  Mostly grinding our ever-loving-asses-off to get to civilization.  After being functionally quarantined for 7 months with few breaks, it’s nice to socialize.

Until next time Commanders,

Flemish Jack - OUT
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