Logbook entry

Sag-A Run - Day minus 23

01 Oct 2021Flemish Jack
18:41:23 08-08-07

Greetings space fans, it’s your intrepid galactic entrepreneur and explorer, CDR Flemish Jack. It has been quite some time since I opined over GalNet, surely much to your collective chagrin. Please hold your applause.

Where to begin? It’s been about 18 months since our last sojourn into the uncharted. Why you ask? Again, where to start? It wasn’t widely reported, but for those not quite nefarious types (and the quite) you are likely aware of a planet wide viral outbreak that has, and continues to, negatively impact the [REDACTED] System and those directly adjacent. After our last expedition, even though I may have suggested otherwise, The Gunny and I were sitting rather flush. Such that the Cutter remains mothballed in Colonia.

After she was relatively assuaged of her brother’s whereabouts and that he was most likely still among the breathing, we returned to civilization, decided civilization sucks ass, and elected to GTFO of the bubble space and find someplace that wasn’t too douchie that needed a small, discreet, yet highly effective logistics company. Luckily, discretion and effectiveness are still in high demand.

We worked pretty well together during our circumnavigation of the Milky Way and decided it was worth a shot to see if we could successfully go into to business together and make more filthy, filthy lucre.

Yep is the answer if you’re wondering.

We spent our collective earnings as start-up capital for the aforementioned vacuum based delivery service. We reconfigured a couple of heavy freighters to support a multi-faceted menu of commercial and clandestine services. To great success, so much so that we have multiple ships, crew, and “logistics hubs” in the hard to find category. Not a shitload, like 4. Because these types of services are as previously mentioned in high demand, we quickly went from the folks flying to rigs to the folks planning, managing, monitoring, and directing the rigs. Due to our fleet of 4 being only 4, we have also been forced into a situation where we are managing subcontractors. In this case we receive a sort of usery fee this fee, a percentage of overall revenue is scaled directly proportional to subcontractor’s assbagary. Too much assbagary and we won’t work with you. There are limits. In case you’re wondering this is boooooorrrrring. Lucrative as hell, but…boooooorrrrrring.

Being a program manager sucks donkey. We both agree this is true. To that end, we thought WTF let’s see what Val is doing. Maybe she’s down to roll out to the galactic core, do a shot, and jump into the center. I mean what else is there to do?

She was indeed open to the idea of seeing what a gy-fucking-normous black hole with the power to fling all the shit that we hold dear around did indeed look like. Maybe we’d get stretched by the event horizon to single file atoms, but totally worth it. Amiright? Yeah, totally.

We began planning what we are referring to as the “End Game Expedition.” Okay, that’s what I call it, it’s my story, so suck many of whatever it is. Thanks.

Anyway, plan, plan, plan, calendar, plan, buy stuff, outfit more stuff – PLAGUE! Or whatever, it was a highly contagious virus that effected the entire planet, hence pandemic. It is and was no joke. The powers that be, what little of them there are, have almost got a handle on it, but for nearly a year-and-a-half, everyone was grounded to avoid contagion.

Now you might think that this was some sort of mutation of the flu or an advanced autoimmune deficiency syndrome or a virus that acts like a flesh eating bacteria and while that makes sense and super sucks, you’d be dead wrong. This shit was worse than that. This virus affected the brain centers that control executive and instinctual function, had (has) a 24 hr incubation period, and causes humans to uber rage, rot outwardly, and eat people.

No just kidding it was totally respiratory, fatal as fuck, and super contagious, but absolutely does not create zombies…probably….

Regardless of all that nonsense, the governing organization for the [REDACTED] System and environs have finally lifted the travel ban, and Gunny and I are getting the flip out of dodge before they change their minds. Do to our microcosmic success as entrepreneurs we are hitting FTL in a Type 10 outfitted for exploration and exiting the bubble as fast as humanly possible. This sucker has a view that 100% blows every other cockpit view out of the vacuum. Turns like a space station, but man is it cool to look out the windows (spacedows?) of.

Sooooooo biiiiiiiiiig....

We’re off and by the grace of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we aren’t looking back.

See you in the black.

Flemish Jack – OUT
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