Logbook entry

Masterless Hull

05 Mar 2016Ronin Vakris

So here I am on some lifeless rock helping the locals find the escape pods they've been looking for and I came across some remnants of a ship. Looks to be parts of the hull of a Vulture class vessel. I got back to the Outlaw Bebop, ran a long range sonar scan beneath the remains and what do you know... The main body of the crashed Vulture lies buried deep beneath the surface. Must have been some crash. In which case that is one tough hull - no way that grade of hull was regulation when that ship left the factory.

A standard Vulture hull would have melted and contorted into a mangled unrecognisable mess after giving this rock its final kiss of death. The scan showed that the main body of this hull is mostly intact apart from the badly damaged cockpit module, which probably took the brunt of the impact.

I could have left this wreckage site and been on my merry but something about this ship called to me. Maybe it's because it reminds me of how they found me ; buried deep beneath the surface, still intact albeit a little frozen. Still clinging to life...

*Subject is emitting a noise most often characterised as "laughter" by human standards. Continuing with log playback....*

I guess that would make me and this ship kindred spirits. In any case there's no denying the curiosity I feel towards this ship and it's remarkable feat of survival. Well, survival for the ship. Not for the unfortunate pilot who was probably crushed inside of the cockpit module during the initial impact. I'll make sure to do right by the former owner and give them a proper burial as well as do my best to restore this ship in their honour. Time to get digging.
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