Logbook entry

Captains Log EHSF YAMATO

04 Aug 2016Aeryn Airstryder
"Captain's Log, Stardate; 25.7.02 04:49:00"
"This is my first official entry as the captain of the Starship 'Yamato', her ongoing mission; to traverse the 22 thousand lightyear journey to Jaques station, her goal; to become one of the main driving forces behind the construction of a new chapter of human history."
"We arrived at 'COL359 SECTOR SJ_Q D5-15" A.K.A 'Waypoint One' much sooner than expected, unfortunately, there is nothing here aside from a lone Class F Star:"
The Yamato's Fuel tanks had reached the emergency line of 25% upon our arrival, we are now nearly 1,000ly from home after setting out from the Sothis system with high hopes of reaching Jaques in record timing, a goal that we feel, despite our amazing progress, to be little more than a far fetched dream at this point."
"Due to the dire state of our fuel reserves, I decided to take the risks of damage to our relatively fragile hull, and open the fuel intakes and scoop the star, a gambit that was well rewarded, no system malfunctions or overheats detected, but fuel reserves have been returned to 100%, however, I find myself pining to be on the ground again, even if just for a short while, thus, I have decided that the next system with a suitable planet will be marked as a 'P.O.I' and the planet briefly explored, there is nothing more to report, Cmdr T.Legend, Captain of the exploration and colonisation ship 'Yamato' sining off.

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 26.7.02 0:26:00"
"The Yamato has safely arrived at waypoint 2, a system designated ; BLEAE THUA OQ-Y BO by the ship's computer, we are now a staggering 1,997ly from where we started, the furthest, myself, or any of my crew for that matter have ever been from home, we have been using the Yamato's impressive stellar body scanners along the route, they are capable of scanning entire systems in one pulse, and to my utter joy, we are the first to ever lay eyes on this star, and all its satellites."
"One moon in the system had suitable conditions to land in, and thus I decided to take us down, it's a small moon, covered in ice as far as the eye can see, and thanks to it's distance from the sun, we get a spectacular display of stars, nebula, and even galaxies in the sky, the very low 0.26Gs make controlling the SRVs...interesting on the ice, we set down on a small plateau eat -65.0005, 42.0634, and rested while we plotted our next waypoint."
"It is truly a thrilling experience, everywhere we seems to be a first, the first to see, the first to touch, I can't wait to see what else is out there!"
T.Legend, sining off.

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 26.7.02 10:00:56"
"The Yamato as arrived at waypoint 3, the PHYLUR IR-V B43-6 system, aside from a red dwarf star nothing to see here."
"Moving to waypoint 4"
"Captain T.Legend, Sining Off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 26.7.02, 17:07:50"
"The Yamato has successfully traversed the next 1,000ly of it's journey to Jaques station and is already en-route to waypoint 5"
"As was waypoint 3, 4 was a rather disappointing find, with only the star in range"
"T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log [Error, Data Corrupt]"
"Another empty system, waypoint 5, much like the last 2 waypoints was empty, we had a malfunction with our onboard clocks, all reading an error, should be fixed by the time we reach waypoint 6"
"T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 26.7.02, 23.51.29"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 6, the BLEAE EURK GQ-E C25-7 system, is a relatively small system with only a few planets and moons, none of which have suitable landing conditions, we have however, managed to repair our issue with the onboard clocks, the issue was caused by a buildup of radiation from all the fuel we have scooped on this voyage, disrupting our connection to the Glanet, by venting the fuel scoop we were able to blast out the radioactive particles and restore the connection"
"Waypoint 7 plotted in, Yamato will be underway once we have scooped the star for fuel, extra measures will be taken to try and prevent a future radioactive buildup."
"T.Legend, Sining off."

"Captain's log, Stardate 27.7.02, 2:46:30"
"Yamato and her crew have arrived safely at waypoint 7, the BYUA EURK XY-O B33-10 system, a very small system with a single star and 5 planets, 2 of which have moons, of the four bodies with suitable conditions, I selected 1A, the moon of the planet closest to the sun, it is a rocky ice world filled with deep craters and canyons, the decent was smooth in the low 0.04Gs, we landed next to one of the afore mentioned canyons at 32.2725, 120.9771, and in all my time as a pilot and captain, I have never seen a sky so beautiful, reaching up from the horizon is a trail of stars, so close, so bright, that they can be seen as an orange streak in space."
"I authorised a brief lunar excursion in the SRVs, which proved to be un-eventful, but soothing nonetheless."
"The way to waypoint 8 has been plotted, I have decided to give the Yamato's strained engines a chance to rest and cool, and for the crew to relax and enjoy the beautiful sight that we have had the fortune to behold. We will remain here for a few hours before setting out into the black once more."
"T.Legend, sining off."

"Captain's Log, Stardate 27.7.02, 12.38.40"
"Yamato has made it to waypoint 8, it is truly remarkable how far we have travelled so far, and more daunting is how far we still have to go, the LYSOOSMS NC-M C7-10 system, consists of three stars, their orbits are...interesting, the second star orbits the third like a planet, and the third, orbits the second like a moon, I dred to think of what the gravitational forces here are like under extreme conditions, however, aside from this impressive dance of stars, there is nothing more to report on this system."
"There is however more to report; a few jumps back we had a miscalculation in our navigation of a dual star system in very close proximity, we became caught in the two conflicting masses of the stars and were ripped from super cruise, with temperatures rising the Yamato was forced to jump to hyperspace from between these two stars, the sudden drop, followed by the intense heat from the dual stars, and then the jump itself, temperatures aboard reached critical levels, nearly all systems have been damaged by the intensity of the heat;"

[Damage Report- BS-A-001/25/7/02 YAMATO]
STARDATE 27.7.02 12.35.12
Main Hull Plating: 98% , Warping of plates 25 through 31, no breaches detected.
Thrusters: 94% , Main drives integrity reduced
Shield Generator: 93% , Circuits A-12 B-52 and B-78 blown due to excess feedback from solar activity, circuits auto-bypassed
Main Gun [4A Fixed Pulse Laser] 90% Charge Cell Ruptured.
Port Missile Rack [SEEKER 2B] 89% Heat Detection system minor malfunction
Starboard Missile Rack [SEEKER 2B] 91% Minor Damage to outer hatch
SRV Garage [4G] Slight warping of Deploy/Return magnets, still within acceptable limits
Top Portside Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 90% Charge Cell Ruptured.
Top Starboard Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 96% Scoring of weapon barrel, no defects
Nose Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 86% Tracking system malfunction
Life Support [5A] 89% Gravity effected in cargo bay 1
Power Distributor [8C] 94% Fuses 88-103 Blown
Frame Shift Drive [6B] 95% Target drift increased from 0.02% to 0.06% still far within ideal peramiters
Cargo Hatch [1H] 63% Major damage to hatch exterior and auto release, manual override required. WARNING: Risk of cargo ejection
Fuel Scoop: [6C] 93% Minor Scoring from over filling
Sensors: [8E] 91% Sensor Range reduced by 0.4%
Port underside Rear Turret [1G] 78% Multiple Charge Cells ruptured
Starboard underside Rear Turret [1G] 83% Target Sensors damaged
Detailed Surface Scanner [1C] 100% All Green
Power Plant [8E] 99% Damage to internal housing, cosmetic only.
Cockpit Canopy [1I] 99% Slight degradation in integrity
Advanced Discovery Scanner [1C] 86% Memory Bank D-3 Damaged, memory banks bypassed.

Overall condition well within operational guidelines, suggestion; Continue Mission
[End of Report]

"Due to the worrying state of our weapons, the Yamato will make a brief stop at the next asteroid belt she discovers to preform a weapons test"
"T.Legend, Sining Off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 28.7.02, 2:34:26"
"We have arrived safely without issue at waypoint 9, the LYSOOF XJ-T B58-10 system, it contains 11 stellar bodies including the star, however, only 2 have suitable conditions for landing, the Yamato touched down briefly on the surface of 1A, the moon orbiting the first planet to allow engineers to assess the ship's condition, thankfully, no issues aside from the afore mentioned to report, the Yamato has now plotted waypoint 10 and will depart shortly."
"T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 28.7.02, 4:52:33"
" We have arrived at PREAE AEWSY LC-Z B41-14, waypoint 10, aside from the systems star, nothing to report"
"T.Legend sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 28.7.02, 19:29:28"
"Major damage has been sustained..."
"Due to a breakdown in the ship's controls the Yamato was torn from super cruise by a white dwarf overheating and damaging many of the ships systems, upon arrival at waypoint 11, ELLAIDST JH-D C12-25 A A, I decided to take us into the belt cluster and preform an aforementioned weapons test, the results are concerning indeed, 3 of our turrets are suffering from severe damage to the fire control, causing them to fire wildly even after the weapons team have let go of the trigger, things are starting to look bleak, we are now exactly half way to Jacques, I can only hope that they have the dry-docks up and running again by the time we arrive, if not, the Yamato will be severely crippled for a while, damage report follows;

[Damage Report- BS-A-001/25/7/02 YAMATO]
STARDATE 28.7.02 19.29.28
Main Hull Plating: 87% , Warping of plates 25 through 31, 43 through 46, and airlock bulkhead 5 has fused shut, no breaches detected.
Thrusters: 94% , Main drives integrity reduced
Shield Generator: 87% , Circuits A-12 B-52 and B-78 blown due to excess feedback from solar activity, circuits auto-bypassed, cooling cell 2A failed, will need dry dock to repair.
Main Gun [4A Fixed Pulse Laser] 80% Charge Cell Ruptured, hard point gantry cracked
Port Missile Rack [SEEKER 2B] 74% Heat Detection system malfunction
Starboard Missile Rack [SEEKER 2B] 79% Damage to outer hatch
SRV Garage [4G] Slight warping of Deploy/Return magnets, still within acceptable limits
Top Portside Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 79% Charge Cell Ruptured.
Top Starboard Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 81% Scoring of weapon barrel, fire control compromised.
Nose Turret [3F Pulse Laser] 77% Tracking system malfunction, fire control compromised
Life Support [5A] 80% Gravity effected in cargo bay 1 & 2
Power Distributor [8C] 88% Fuses 88-103 Blown, surge protectors to firing control overloaded, auto bypassed, likely cause of the issues with fire control
Frame Shift Drive [6B] 89% Target drift increased from 0.02% to 0.06% still far within ideal peramiters
Cargo Hatch [1H] 42% Major damage to hatch exterior and auto release, manual override required. WARNING: Risk of cargo ejection
Fuel Scoop: [6C] 86% Minor Scoring from over filling
Sensors: [8E] 87% Sensor Range reduced by 5.0%
Port underside Rear Turret [1G] 60% Multiple Charge Cells ruptured, fire control compromised
Starboard underside Rear Turret [1G] 66% Target Sensors damaged
Detailed Surface Scanner [1C] 100% All Green
Power Plant [8E] 96% Damage to internal housing, damage to nuclear cooling rod 5, dry dock repair required.
Cockpit Canopy [1I] 93% Slight degradation in integrity
Advanced Discovery Scanner [1C] 68% Memory Bank D-3, D-4, and D-12 Damaged, memory banks bypassed.

Overall condition; minimum operational guidelines; Suggestion...ERROR, due to 50-50 chance of success or fail as the Yamato is now exactly half way, human decision required.
"Our situation is not ideal, but we'll manage, we must!, T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate; 29.7.02, 1:39:19"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 12, we are now over half way to Jacques station and still going strong, this system contained a few stellar bodies will landing conditions, however the decision was made to keep flying,"
"T.Legend, Sining off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 29.7.02, 13:29:09"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 13 in the EODGORPH YF-J B50-28 System, it consists of A red dwarf star and 7 planetary bodies and moons, only one was suitable to land on, the Yamato is now proceeding to waypoint 14"
"T.Legend, Sining off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 30.7.02, 4:28:46"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 14, CROOKOA MX-L D7-7087, A single class F star and 17 planetary bodies, and one asteroid belt, while many of the moons in the system can be landed on, we have decided to push onwards to waypoint 15"
"T.Legend, Sining off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 31.7.02, 1.28.33"
We have arrived at waypoint 15, a small system with no planets or moons with landing conditions, the Yamato has plotted the route to waypoint 16 and is about to make the next jump, noting more to report"
"T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 01.8.02, 4.44.12"
We have safely arrived at the FROAGS NR-W C1-320 system, waypoint number 16, as before there is very little to report, and thus this log is once again a short one, waypoint 17 has been plotted"
"T.Legend, Sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 01.8.02, 13.25.56"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 17 in the FROSTS LR-L C21-366 System, the star fields are getting incredibly dense out here now, and our onboard computer is starting to take longer and longer to map a safe route through the stars, even when limiting our map to stars that we can scoop for fuel, however, the feeling of utter achievement, of making it 17,000lys from home is immeasurable, I can almost see Jacques on the starry horizon, figuratively speaking of course."
" This system is tiny, contain one star, and a very small orbital body, that I believe is far, far too small to call a planet, and thus I will classify it as a moon. The maintenance crew has given the Yamato the once over to check for any further damage, and as yet, nothing has been noted, waypoint 18 plotted"
"T.Legend, Sining off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 02.8.02, 0:40:24"
"The Yamato has arrived at waypoint 18, a system designated BOELTS YE-M A48-118"
"I do however have a personal log to add; today is my two little brother's birthdays, one, two years younger than myself, other, two years younger than him."
"Armco, the eldest of the two, is currently undergoing military training back home on Earth to join the Royal Navy and sail the seven seas, the other, JDX, has given me some concerning news..."
"He has, without my knowledge, applied, and been approved to join the pilot's federation, and launches in his first ship today, the exact time is as yet unknown. With everything going on back at the bubble, I fear greatly for his safety, and with me all the way out here, there will be nothing I can do to help him. As happy as I am, that he will be joining me here in the stars, I feel that I have become the harbinger of his undoing, telling him all those stories of space, all the places I have seen, and have yet to see, in his last transmission he said"
"I want to come meet you, out at Jacques station, to fight side by side on the new frontier"
"But this is not a quest for battle, but a quest for peace, and prosperity of the new bubble, and I fear his gungho attitude will get him killed, or stranded in space, trying to reach Jacques without the proper knowledge and equipment, I can only hope that he heeds my warnings and guidance;
anyways, waypoint 19 has been plotted in, just a few more thousand lightyears to go, fly safe little brother, and to all commanders back home, out in the black, and those already at the new bubble"
"T.Legend, sining off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 02.8.02, 17:32:33"
The Yamato has arrived in the EOCH FLYUAE VL-F C14-1783 system, while not our next waypoint, I decided it was time to stretch our legs and do some more, precise exploration, it contains 22 astronomical bodies, including 3 stars, it also has 3 asteroid clusters, we set the Yamato down on the planet B1, a High metal content world with a metal core; from orbit the surface seems to have been struck by a massive object, and thousands of smaller ones, the main crater is so large it spans from the equator right down into the southern hemisphere, after looking at the system's orbital charts, it is safe to assume that the collision was caused by one of the belts, or even one of the large ringed planet's moons, There are high amounts of carbon here, an src crew mounted a 30 minuet expedition on the surface and found carbon in high quantities, even when distant from the impact sites, it stands to reason, that this planet may have at one time supported carbon based life, many millions of years ago."
"Samples extracted from the centre of the crater were rich in iron, suggesting that whatever hit, and for loss of a better word, killed this planet, was a very large, very dense metallic object comprised primarily of iron ore, it was also noted by the away team that the samples have a very limited lifespan on the surface, it is the first time we have witnessed this effect."
"The Yamato remained in orbit for the duration of the expedition, returning only to re-locate the away team to a new area, and then to collect them at the end of the expedition."
"T.Legend, signing off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 02.8.02, 18:46:38"
"The Yamato has safely arrived at EOCH FLYUAE VL-M A89-79,  medium system with two stars, one being a brown dwarf, there are also 15 planets and an asteroid belt, aside from that there is nothing else to report on this system, waypoint 20 will be plotted any moment now."
"T.Legend, Signing off"

"Captain's Log; Stardate 03.8.02, 0.43.33"
"Waypoint 20....we are so close now, the Yamato has arrived in the DRYIO FLYUAE ZM-W B20-46 System, we are now, little over 1.5 thousand lightyears from Jacques station, the Yamato's journey is now nearly at it's end, this system contains a single Red Dwarf with an asteroid belt, nothing else."
"Waypoint 21, of 22 has just been plotted, with less than a single shift rotation to go until we arrive, I find myself wanting the trip to last longer, but at the same time, I'm eager to eat some real food, we are now down to the last of our protein packs...Cauliflower cheese, plain mash potato and Chicken Vindaloo...one is disgusting, one is like eating a lump of playdough, and the other is so hot you'll probably kill all your tastebuds anyway...so the taste of the last option is rather pointless...think I'll go for the vindaloo tonight..."
"T.Legend, Signing off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 03.8.02: 2:32:33"
The Yamato has reached waypoint 22, we now have little over 500ly to Jacques station, instead of stopping for a rest, we have decided to push on and test one of engineering's new theories, using samples we have collected on the trip we can create a chemical compound that boosts our jump range for a single jump, we will test this on our next jump"
"T.Legend, Signing off"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 03.03.02, 04:42:09"

"The Yamato has safely arrived at Jacques station, for many of my crew this is the end of their tour on the Yamato, their skills are needed here on the station, rather than this beaten up starship, due to the damage we received earlier in the trip, the Yamato has been confined to her berth in the dry dock until the repair bay is back online, I'm itching to get back out there and begin building a new bubble!"
"T.Legend, Signing off"

[End Of Captain's Log for mission 001]
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