Logbook entry


11 Aug 2020Aeryn Airstryder
-Continued from 'The Docks'-

Ao felt his gun being kicked away from his hand, and rolled onto his back staring up at the ceiling, the gunshot wound was not fatal, he knew that...but damn did it hurt like hell!
Armoured figures surrounded him, rifles raised, ready to fire at the first sign of trouble....
A face filled his vision....August!

"Why do you always have to make things so difficult Ao?" August asked, kneeling down beside Ao
Ao spat, catching August in the eye...

August's nose curled like someone had just waved something disgusting and very smelly under it, his eyes ignited once more with the fires of rage.
He leaned in close and hissed in Ao's ear;
"First, I'm going to find the doctor, then I'm going to make you watch as I dismantle your 'Black Wolves' ship by ship, person by person, until all that is left is a distant memory...I never wanted this Ao...why did you do it?"

Ao gave August a quizzical look...
"After what you did?! You really need and answer to that?!" Ao lashed out with a headbutt and caught August on the nose who fell back...
The stock of a rifle filled Ao's vision, he felt something break...his nose maybe? the blow had left him dizzy...he felt himself being rolled onto his front, his hands restrained behind his back...next thing he remembered he was being carried down the stairs, pinned between two armoured figures....past the bloodstained reception counter....next he was being loaded into the back of some kind of vehicle...the floor was cold, and hurt, the bullet in his side continuing to be agony with every movement, blood dripping from the wound, leaving a trail and pooling beneath him on the floor of the vehicle...relief finally came as his vision went dark...and Ao slipped into the abyss of unconsciousness...
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