Logbook entry

Ghosts of the past, and the enemy within

17 Aug 2020Aeryn Airstryder
Ao sat up on the bunk in his cell, the operation to remove the bullet from his side had been quick and relatively painless thanks to modern technology, it still hurt like all hell, and would take time to fully heal, but thankfully nothing but soft tissue and muscles had been damaged, the subsonic round had by some miracle missed his kidney and come to rest in the fatty tissues.
However, some things never changed, thousands of years or medical technology and the best quick fix for a bullet wound was still a bottle of antiseptic, stitches, bandages and gauze.
Why had August gone to the trouble of having his injuries treated?

Ao wouldn't have time to think, as at the moment the door to his cell hissed open, and August, backed by two guards with stun batons filtered into the room.

Against the wall was a small desk and chair magnetically attached to the floor, August pulled it towards him and sat facing Ao.

" I think it's time we had a little chat, don't you agree?....big brother"

Ao's good eye twitched...
"You are no brother of mine August..." Ao responded calmly
"Oh? Dear Aunt Kathrine did adopt us both remember? You were so happy the day she signed the papers releasing you from your slave contract and offered to bring you into the family...All she ever did was support you, provide you with a better life! So WHY AO?! TELL ME WHY?!"

Ao was taken aback...what was August talking about? Had the man gone insane?
"August...what are you..." Ao started but was cut off by August launching himself forward, hoisting Ao who stood a head shorter than him to his feet by the collar with both hands and growled in a low whisper of venom and malice:
"Why did you kill our mother?!"
Ao was shocked into silence...
A few seconds later he replied likewise:
"Don't try pin your crimes on me August! I saw the camera footage! I saw you enter chamber with a blade the night she was killed!"

August's grip tightened slightly...his eyes wide with fury, burrowimg into Ao's as if searching for his soul...and then they narrowed....
"You truly believe I killed her don't you? It's funny, because I saw the same video! But it was you Ao!"
August's eyes focused as if he was realising something....
He let go of Ao's collar and placed his hand on the hilt ofnthe rapier at his side, and in the same growling whisper asked;
"Who sent you the video...?"
Ao aware of the two guards shuffling closer tensed expecting to be in alot of pain any moment now when August snapped and replied:
"An anonymous source...some kind of hacker by the name of..." Ao was stopped mid sentance by August's roar;
August span on the spot drawing his blade, and with two quick movements cut the throats of both guards...they collapsed in a spray of crimson that engulfed August and splattered the snow white walls...

Ao fell back onto the bunk looking for a way to defend himself but stopped...
August just stood there...shaking with rage...
"Yes..." Ao replied, ready to throw himself at August the second the sword wielding maniac moved.

"Wait! Are you saying?!" Ao stood this time...
August nodded,
"Same video, same contact, we've been played for fools brother....big time! And we have another problem...if we didn't murder her, only 1 other person was permitted to carry weapons inside the manor...and for a long time, my employer, who I was hired by after following my message back to its source, has had an agent inside your Black Wolves...remember that convoy of illegal slaver ships Aunt Kathrine had captured just before she was killed? My employer deals in that kind of business, filthy work, but I was willing to do anything to bring you to justice...."

"Tiberius was the only oth...you think he's Trojan? And your employer had Kathrine killed?"

August nodded...
"Then...oh christ, when I was at the hotel I had transmitted our plans to Tiberius and ordered him to return to the ship!"
"And now the doctor and her companions have no idea they are walking into a trap"

"We need to stop them!"
"Not so fast big brother, why do you think I killed the guards? My employer was very invested in getting the doctor, 90% of my men...are HIS men...if they realise we've worked it out and plan to move agaimst him..."
"Then we are done for...we need weapons!"

August opened the cell door and peered out;
"It's clear, follow me, my quarters are this way...there is something there for you...I had intended to use it to execute you...but knowing what we known now...it's only right you get Aunt Kathrine's final gift to you..."
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