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Mutiny Aboard The Yamato Part II

03 Sep 2020Aeryn Airstryder
The heavy door the engine room fell inwards with a bang as it hit the catwalk.
The rattle of gunfire filled the room as bullets passed through in both directions, engineers who had been powering down the securing the engine removing small but vital components dropped to the floor to avoid being hit.

A black clad figure cried out and stumbled forward through the door clutching his stomach, toppled over the safety railing and with a scream fell to the floor of the engine room head first with a sickening crunch.
Right now the two security officers at Rose's side had the advantage, the single entry door to the engine room kept their opponents single file, one by one Huntsmen dropped where they stood trying to force their way into the engine room, creating a mound of bloodied bodies in the doorway that very quickly became near impossible to pass...

The security officer to Rose's left dropped her rifle and drew her sidearm with a short but loud;
"I'm Dry!" and began firing single shots, choosing her targets as carefully as possible.
It seemed to last forever, but only a few seconds had passed.
The security officer to Rose's right also dropped his rifle, but fell backwards, straight as a board, a hole in his forehead before he had even had the chance to draw his firearm.
Huntsmen filed into the room one by one, weapons raised, ready to put down any further resistance.

Tiberius entered the room last;
"You should have just surrendered when you all had the chance Rose, these deaths are on your hands, where is Leo?"

"Deleted Tiberius, you should know that..."
"Just making sure"

Tiberius, protected by his goons, climbed down the ladder to the engine room's lower deck and approached Rose who threw aside the wrench.

"you'll never get away with this Tiberius, The Star Wolf is en-route and we are surrounded by Black Wolf ships, the second you try to take off the Yamato will be shot down, even if you could, scum like you is not worthy of flying a ship named Yamato!"

Tiberius slapped her.
"You want to talk about worthiness 'Acting Captain' You seem to think that because you share the captain's bed you are better than everyone else on this crew!"
Tiberius looked around at the puzzled faces of the engineers;
"Oh yeah, Captain and the Chief here tried to keep that under wraps, she's not a soldier, she's not some engineer of great renown, she's the Captain's little whore who fucked her way into the Chief Engineer's position"

It was Rose's turn to slap TIberius, and she put as much force as she could muster behind it, hurting her wrist in the process...he didn't even flinch...just smiled and kicked her in the stomach,
Rose fell to the floor gasping for air.

"HEY!" came a shout from somewhere Rose could not make out...boots on the floor running, a gunshot, the thud of a body hitting the floor.

"Take them to the cargo deck, put them with the others, then try figure out what the hell they have done to this engine" ordered Tiberius.

Rose and her engineers were hoisted to their feet, made to one by one climb the ladder up to the catwalk, were restrained, and marched through the ship to the massive cargo room at the bottom of the ship near the armoury.

The cargo deck, much like the engine room was a large open space two decks tall, a large metal catwalk ran around the outside of the deck on the upper floor that ended in stairs leading down to the flat open space of the lower deck and the massive four panel door on the front of the ship, the cargo deck was where the Yamato normally stored it's two Thunder Child APCs
One was up on the gantry crane, hoisted high above the deck, it's engine in parts on the floor having been stripped down for much needed maintenance the night before, the other, was parked, engine running out on the docking pan beyond the open doors.

Tiberius gave orders to his men to keep the Yamato-II's crew secure, and to shoot anyone who resisted, before climbing into the back of the APC's cramped compartment with a squad of Huntsmen.
The engine growled as it set off towards the lift down to the roads.

Rose knew that now was their only chance, Tiberius was leaving his forces spread disastrously thin by holding the crew in multiple locations, hence his decision to put 'all his eggs in one basket'.
But this had played right into the crew's hands, they now outnumbered the Huntsmen by a significant margin.

Using her hands, Rose signalled to the crew who could see her to wait for her signal, and they then passed the message along.

Rose rolled onto her side and groaned, and the nearest crewmen shuffled over looking concerned before calling to the Huntsmen;
"She's hurt! bad!"

Weapon raised one of the Huntsmen came forward, Rose didn't move, keeping herself facing away from the captor.
There! the sound of his weapon being slung over his shoulder.

Now she acted, rolling over and lashing out with a kick that connected with the side of the Huntsman's jaw with a satisfying crack, the Yamato crew nearest the guards took advantage of the situation to rise up and pounce like wolves upon them, a few moments later, the Yamato crew had regained the cargo deck, and the armoury...the fight was on!
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