Logbook entry

Doctors Orders

11 Oct 2020Aeryn Airstryder
The young communications officer had to stifle a laugh to avoid drawing the attention of his superior, taking a few moments to compose himself replied;

"Is it possible that you mean Captain Ao sir? Large scar on his face? Smokes...Alot...? If so how can I assist you tod..."
He stopped after glancing at the sender I.D
"Lord Goodness! My apologies sir, The Captain said that you may attempt to make contact, unfortunately he is resting right now, but I have standing instructions to transmit a BWCS encryption key to yourself and assist in any way I can, oh, sorry one moment please I just need to place you on hold..."
The line buzzed for a second before Ravel's Bolero began to play in the background.

After a few moments a woman answered to call;
"Lord Goodness? Acting captain Yamamoto speaking, the captain will be glad to hear you got away ok, he has asked me to let you know that Dr.Nymei, Jason and Amata got away clean if you have not already been contacted by themselves.
Listen, I would like to make a request, if at all possible can you please visit the carrier? We have some questions about the recent incident aboard the gateway, and the serious implications involved in evidence we have dug up in regards to the incident, any information you have, even if you are not aware you have it could save lives or potentially avert a war, would you be willing to visit?"

-Captain's Quarters - I-401A Yamato II -

Ao gritted his teeth as his skin seemed to blister and boil all over again.
The anti-septic cream and dressings that had been smeared across the entirety of his torso and legs stank to high-heaven, and the pain made his eyes water.

"Well Captain it serves you right for ignoring my orders and over exerting yourself, the few sweat glands you have left have been pumping sweat into your dressings and then you have been wandering around stewing in it all day, your immune system has taken quite the beating, keep going like this and you'll end up with a serious, and potentially life threatening infection, I mean it this time! Bed! AND STAY THERE!"

Ao grumbled something along the lines of thanks to the doctor as he left the room, before swallowing his next dose of anti-biotics and painfully lowering himself onto the bed, cursing and pulling a book from his nightstand.

He hadn't said anything to the doctor, but Ao had been feeling hot for a few hours now, and not because of the burns, he was pretty sure he was beginning to run a temperature and was beginning to regret not listening to the doctor, with war on the horizon he could not afford to appear weak now, he needed to lead and protect his people, in a few hours the friends and families of those that lost their lives aboard the Yamato would begin to arrive from all over the system in preparation for the Funeral tomorrow, he didn't have the strength to face them all again, not today, he lay back as gently as possible on the cool sheets, his ankle throbbed inside the cast and his skin felt like it was ablaze.
He wiped away the first bead of sweat from his forehead, he cursed and closed his eyes to try and get some sleep
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