Logbook entry

The bar

19 Aug 2024Aeryn Airstryder
Aeryn sat alone in a dark corner of Coggia terminal’s bar, gazing out at the heaving mass of jubilant, and highly intoxicated bodies as they laughed, drank, and in most cases, very badly, danced to the beat of the music.

During the early hours of the morning, following the battle in orbit of Marrallang A1, the Marallang Empire Pact had announced their surrender.

With their fleet in ruins and overwhelming civilian support for the BWSF, it had been impossible for them to continue fighting.

The damage was system wide, and a number of skirmishes between other factions had broken out as they had all attempted to capitalise on the BWSF - Empire Pact conflict.

It would take time to rebuild, but with all the major space stations in the system firmly under BWSF control, it would only be a matter of time.

Aeryn looked over his shoulder and out the gigantic viewing window as a number of vessels undocked and left the station.

Most likely the last of the Empire Pact’s officials leaving the station, he thought.

“It’s finally over, we won”
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