Logbook entry

Back in action

27 Feb 2024Chocklos
I'd nearly forgotten about the war... My sole reason for doing what I've been doing for the past few months... I had heard tales about some modified guardian weapons that would make dropping the thargoid menace easier... faster... It was a lead I had to chase.

The weapon, modified shard cannons, the manufacturer Azimuth Biotech. I jumped around the bubble chasing leads trying to find them. It took a while but eventually located way out in the reaches of LHS 1163 at Hunziker Terminal I found one of their representatives. A squirrely little man promising tech that would change how I can combat the thargoid menace. The catch? Prove yourself worthy of wielding such power, do the companies dirty work and show you can be trusted. After months of assasinations and bringing the full force of my Federal Corvette the aptly named Toruk to bear down on the enemies of whatever shitty political group they wanted to prop up around the bubble I was given permission to enter the Mbooni system and finally lay hands on this wonderful weapon of war.

I make my way to Prospects Deep expecting to just shell out some credits to outfit my Krait Mk II which I've nicknamed Queen (because she's a killer) with some modified guardian shard cannons, all 5 slots. I'm warned I'm likely to cook my ship before I accomplish much but who cares, nothing some heat sinks can't fix. Once I go to buy these glorious cannons from the broker they look me in the eyes and tell me they are made to order only, and they don't source the materials... I have to go get them myself... These people are less interested in winning the war and more interested in making a quick buck... probably to keep playing shadow governement to their damn puppets. It's fine, not like I haven't spent days running around guardian ruins before. So I took a quick detour out to Synuefe EU-Q c21-10 A3, known guardian weapons site and so all their damn work for them... To have to do all this work these weapons better well be fucking worth it!

I get back and still rather pissed off turn over the materials, I'm granted my "war changing" weapons.... With a hearty fuck you I bid farewell to these exploiters of men, outfit the Queen and head off to war once again, hoping to fair better than I have previously. Hoping to make a difference and show these damn bugs that I won't let them wipe us out.

After doing some research I see there is a good level of resistance in the Holvandalla system, what better way to start off testing new tech than in the thick of heavy resistance. Once there I notice a station under seige, Farruck Dock. Easy access repairs and resupply is always a good choice if you have it. I jump in and the place is swarming, scouts all around. It was time to see if these weapons were worth it.

One volley... thats all it takes to drop a scout, one well aimed volley.. Alright fine but scouts are the least of my worries, their weak. It's time to try my luck against something bigger and meaner. I search my contacts and find an interceptor, based on number of hearts I'd say cyclops, perfect next target, just keep working my way up the hierarchy. I decide to attempt a full magazine dump and see what happens. I know i'm about to generate a ton of heat, not only threating my ships integrity but making myself a big blazing target for any bug nearby. I drop a heatsink to start, full pips to weapons and lay into the evil flower from hell. Dead... it just pops and i rake in a cool 6.5 mil combat bond, In the excitement though i failed to notice I was over 700 on my heat gauge, I had to drop several more heat sinks before I cooked all my systems and myself inside Queen. Maybe a more measured approach next time... one heart at a tiem instead of trying to outpace their regeneration... I give it a go on the next cyclops and it works like a charm, one volley to stress the heart, and one to destroy the heart, I can stand a bit of jousting if it means I won't cook inside my ship. Then out of the black comes a basilisk, I'm going to need more heatsinks... It's a rough battle, I take several rounds of it's lightning my systems are almost totally destroyed but I managed to slowly and methodically rip this creatures hearts to shreds, the sound of agony it makes and the giant pop are music to my ears... The 20 million credit combat bond wasn't bad either. I limp back to station that's on fire, no way I can take on more of these bugs without some repairs. As i'm lowered into the stations depths for safety I take stock of what I've dont today. Were the weapons worth it? Yeah, I'd say so. Maybe i've just gotten better fighting these things in the moment, maybe these guns are just that good, either way I'm fairing better than I had before and even if it's just confidence gotten from the promise of a game changing weapon it was worth it. Still... can't believe some company would risk the existance of all man kind on doing their dirty work and making commanders get their own construction materials, what the fuck is wrong with them?

Until next time o7
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