Logbook entry

LOG ENTRY: 3301 23 Jun, 20:18 : Bounty hunting in Grabi RES #2

23 Jun 2015E Redeye
C Jun, 19:12

Heading to Kikua to hunt 4 pirates on a mission for Amphisatsu Creative Commodities. Let's make those trade routes safe again!

Planning to also check out  Grabi RES to see if I can find some pirates and help out the miners in there.

LOG ENTRY: 3301 23 Jun, 19:35

The 4 pirates I found all were flying an Eagle and were easily handled by Pippuri.

Got ambushed on the way back to the station by an Imperial Courier. The courier did not fight too well either and the only difference to the eagles was that the couriers shields lasted a bit longer under the Pippuri's beam lasers.

Over all nice profit from the bounties and from the mission reward.

Next stop Grabi rings.

LOG ENTRY: 3301 23 Jun, 20:18

In Grabi RES managed to take out couple of pirates before having a brush with another commander. Might have accidentally shot him and got myself tagged with a bounty. The other commander shot my hull full of holes before letting me run with 8% remaining.

I guess that serves me right for being careless & a bit too trigger happy.

LOG ENTRY: 3301 23 Jun, 20:26

Back to Amphisatsu to re-supply
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