Logbook entry

Credit the Account

25 Mar 2023Walsanda
Today, I spent running missions between Robigo Mines and Sothis's Sirius Atmospherics. This is a lucrative run and I made 75m credits and a considerable amount of encoded data and manufactured materials for good measure, in a single hour. I now have over 3.7bn credits, a record for my balance. I am still a long way short of the money for a fleet carrier and it didn't help that I spent half a billion buying and kitting out a cutter. I moved the cutter to my home system and it has been in storage ever since. She's a large ship and not suitable for ranking, combat or moving about in the bubble at speed. She will come in handy when I get back to hauling freight or mining.

[I am new to posting logs and just realised this log was saved as a draft. I hadn't noticed the State box below. Something new I have learned today!]
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