Logbook entry

Fight the good fight

26 Mar 2023Walsanda
Later in the evening I return to combat. In case I want to head off somewhere else quickly, I bring in the DBX from Diaguangri, Ray Gateway so that I can leave the combat ship here. This will be another place I have ships stored. I head out to the high res spot in the nearby rings and find I am more adventurous with my combat this time. I take on a few ships directly, without waiting for the security to attack the ship. I am surprised at how easily I am able to destroy many ships. I do come across an Anaconda that fights well and is almost destroyed until the pilot manages to get his shield up and escape by jumping out of the system. An hour into fighting alongside the security guards against swarms of pirates, I suddenly find everything around me on the scanner has gone red. The security forces have issued a bounty on me and I am wanted in system. I was in the middle of a dog fight with a Cutter, and I don't even remember firing on a security ship, presumably he moved into my firing line. I high tail it out, jump to super cruise and head for Ohm City. Here I have to dock anonymously and hand myself in to the authorities. I am fined 400 credits and released at the prison system 4 jumps away. I return with my reputation rebuilt. My combat rank has not improved much; still a novice and it will be a long time before I level to Elite. Back to exploration soon.
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