Logbook entry

Now to Mining Riches

02 Jul 2023Walsanda
Having spent a couple of months getting in with the Imperials and getting ranked to Prince, I splash the cash on a shiny new Cutter. It is big and can be used for most roles and I set it up as a trader to complete a Community goal. Being ranked in top 25%, I am rewarded with a new xeno scanner. I also rank to Admiral with the Feds, so I can now buy a Corvette. As I don't do combat, it doesn't seem important enough to buy one in the end. I save the money toward a fleet carrier. I already have over 5bn credits. I want to have plenty of credits left over for maintenance charges and taking it out to the edge of the galaxy to explore unknown systems. Most of the credits have been earned running tourists between Robigo and Sothis; an easy run that gets boring after a while, hence the community goal side trip. I also unlock Zachariah Nemo, a year or more after unlocking the others. Now, I fancy a spell mining rocks.

I re-rig the cutter for laser mining and head out to my favourite spot in the Hyades Sector. She may be rigged for mining, but I am able to include 4E and 2 x 3E burst lasers. The firepower, together with the 6A bi-weaves and shield boosters, are more than adequate to swat away a few pirates. The shields also prove good enough to sustain asteroids hitting the hull when I am mining too close to a rotating rock!

I am now resting in the ring, near a double hotspot of painite. Tomorrow, I will continue filling the cargo bays and go get a bumper payout.

o7 commanders.
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