Logbook entry

Hull Seals making flying in the deep safe again!

15 Aug 2019Hugues De Payens
I was making my first solo run from Sol, to Colonia, to Sag A, to Beagle Point when I inadvertently 'bumped' into a star or two along the way. Inattention, when flying in deep space can get you killed just as fast as being a lousy combat pilot in a war zone. I was down to 11% on my hull with all my supplies for both AMFU's exhausted when someone told me about the fantastic Hull Seals. These guys and gals may not be as famous (yet) as the Fuel Rats but, they deserve just as much recognition. One of their finest flew out to the middle of nowhere and repaired my hull, for no charge or course, within two hours of my distress call. Mind you; this is a location that had taken me three days to get to on my own. Sure I was rubbernecking and sightseeing but, wows. Two hours and I was back up and running.

I am far more careful about my refueling runs now. Voice command almost got me killed, twice. If not for the AMFU's and the indispensable Hull Seals, I would be dead right now.

Fly safe, if not fly smart. Keep the number for the Hull Seals and Fuel Rats handy. You never know when you might need them.

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