Logbook entry

Flight to HIP 22460 and Back to Cubeo Ups and Downs

11 Aug 2022MetalMasher
I departed Upaniklis System Forester's Choice Station and I had 10 Jumps before I arrived at Hip 22460 so I spent the time during each hop between system is to scan the various bodies for the Exploration rank and I nearly ran out of fuel during the Journey but luckily I stumbled on a Fueling Star type at Arietis Sector XE-Z b4 so I fille up my tank and resumed my traveled to Synuefe UG-A b34-0 and I did note a number of Carriers in system some of which I can land on, I made my next Jump which is to HIP 22460 and during the jump I was forced out by the Thargoids and they disabled my Ship thankfully they just scanned me and then they departed, once my ship reactivated and Jumped to HIP 22460 and immediately my ship AI warned of the system being in a hostile state as a result Ship UI is being disrupted by what happened and to my horror my Guardian FSD booster suffered damage and shut down, thankfully I knew that in the previous system I jumped from had Friendly Carriers that allowed docking so once I finished exploring the system as I had no intention of dropping out of Super Cruise as I heard that the Thargoids in system are extremely Hostile due to the Super Weapon had being fired in system and will arrive minutes after one drops out of Super Cruise so I scanned the system with the FSS and only used the SAA on 10 b afterwards I jumped back to Synuefe UG-A b34-0 docked with Carrier MRS MIGGINS PIE SHOP KFN-GXK repaired and refueled my ship plotted a course back to Cubeo (11 jumps) of which I altered my filters to only use star's that I can fuel at as I had no intention of running out on my trek back home there wasn't much to talk about the Journey home besides scanning each system I went through, once I arrived home sold off the data I scanned and I was happy with what I got out of the trip.
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