Logbook entry

A man with a mission

24 Jul 2019Tempelmann
Hello friends, fellow Commanders,

Federal Petty Officer Tempelmann here,

This will be my first every entry into the logs, for several years of my journey I've been rather recluse, now it the time for change.

Things look good here In Altair, The Elite Rebel Force is holding strong and our economy is booming.

While normally I have been content, running trade routes in the region, or mining. I've begun to wonder, wonder what else there is to do.

I have visited Colonia. Explored every inch of the bubble, seen the sights, yet I still feel amiss,

My late father, a mighty fighter pilot in his day, never wanted me to follow to deeply in his footsteps,
Yet sadly I will disappoint him,

I seek blood, I crave the heat of a pulse laser, the rattling fire of a multi canon, I have a new hunger, a new mission
Enemies of the Federation beware, Pirates, Slavers, Xenos, all take heed, my barrels are hot and ready, my ammo supplies are massive, and my balls are even more massive still.

I am a man with a mission, a mission to make the galaxy burn!
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︎0 Shiny!
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