Logbook entry

Baby steps

24 Jul 2019Tempelmann
Take it slow, that's the name of the game. After getting back from a days worth of mining, I slap on some shiny new hard points, the ones for shooting ships as opposed to rocks.

After meeting with the other leaders of the ERF, I get assigned my mission, several pirate factions are running amok in the nearby system of 61 Cygni

It was easy. Too easy. After 6 confirmed kills my mission was done, the rest of the scum scattered in all directions, all that was left to do was pick up the scraps they left behind, and head on back to Altair.

A successful mission, yet my thirst has not been quenched, I fear many more pirates must die before I am satisfied.

Glory to the federation, Petty Officer Tempelmann signing off o7
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