Logbook entry

Another day, another thousand light years

02 Feb 2016Daynen
Decided to start keeping a log; maybe it'll break up the monotony of jumping, scanning, scooping, and repeating.

Why did I decide to do this? Do I really want a planet or a star named after me? Or after some dog I used to have?

I don't know.

Plotted a thousand LY course today and covered it, and I'm STILL in the same sector with a few thousand LY left to go. That's a big damn sector...

Still trying to figure out why I got a wild hair up my ass to go explore near the Eta Carina nebula; it's probably already mapped out by pilots with longer jump ranges and even less to do with their time. Maybe I just want to see it for myself. I can't even see the bubble on my map without zooming way out. I don't even bother getting details on anything less interesting than a blue-white star anymore; why didn't they just call them silver stars? they sure look silver to me.

I'm taking a break. Give the drive a rest, make a few more jumps another day.

That nebula better be one hell of a sight...
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︎0 Shiny!
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