Logbook entry

new approach?

03 Feb 2016Daynen
Got the funny idea to start looking at my system map after an initial system scan. Kind of puzzled as to why I can see so much info after that one scan, yet things are 'unexplored' and don't give much value until I scan each one. The way our scanners work with the galactic database just...makes no sense to me.

I did find a system, Prua Dryou me-s c-28, with three separate ringed planets though, so that's different. Miners'd love this one.

The nebula's visible from this sytem. I'm getting close.

Eleven thousand LS away and I get a clear scan on a lone white star. ELEVEN THOUSAND. What the hell.

FINALLY out of the Prua Dryou sector. Good god, who named these sectors? Who got to decide where one ends and the next begins? That must've been two thousand light years of that one sector alone. Onto the...Swoidai sector? Seriously...

Okay, not so close after all. Still got almost 4000 light years to travel...

Whoah. a system with SIX ringed planets. Swoidai QL-B B46-O.

Now I'm torn again. Do I slow down and scan more objects of interest? Or do I stay focused and get to the nebula faster?

Damn it.
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