Logbook entry

So close, and yet so far.

06 Feb 2016Daynen
Closed to about 2,200 LY from the nebula. Sure doesn't seem any closer from my cockpit view. Like those dreams where you're trying to reach an exit but vertigo makes it feel like it's moving farther away. Guy could go crazy out here...

Did have a close call when I carelessly jumped with about 30% fuel left and ended up in a binary system with nothing but two T Tauri class stars. Had to recalculate a route to a nearby M class. Glad I looked beforehand...

Seem to be finding a lot of ringed gas giants. Wonder if it's something about this section of space...

Also, I've concluded that the Prua Dryou system is just enormous, or I was just crossing the length of it, because the last thousand LY took me across three different sectors. Prua felt like a two thousand light year trek to cross it. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

Who the hell decided on the size and distribution of these sectors? What kind of criteria did they mash together to decide where one ends and another begins? Feels pretty random to me.
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