Logbook entry

Home stretch?

07 Feb 2016Daynen
Holy...jumped into a single star system with nothing but a brown dwarf that was spinning faster than anything I'd ever seen. Thing was also the smallest dwarf I've ever run into. It made a full rotation in under ten seconds. That's insane.

Low fuel. Need to change my path. ONE nearby yellow star. Can't get much luckier than that.

Nothing but brown dwarf stars around here. Have to start plotting shorter routes; 16 tons of fuel can go quick.

Time to switch to 'economical' jumps. Using up 25% of my tank on every jump isn't worth it anymore. I'm too close.

Hmmm. Starting to see a massive cluster of bright stars near the nebula. Have to go have a look once I reach my destination.

Economical jumps made all the difference. Smaller jumps, but virtually no fuel lost. Should've done this earlier.

Now I remember why I didn't do that. Slowed to a crawl towards the nebula. Damn those dwarf stars...
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