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not long now...

15 Feb 2016Daynen
a Tri-star system. don't see those everyday. A class T, L, and M star in one spot. huh.

Odd...wreckage. all the way out here. Looks like an imperial clipper. Can't imagine a cutter coming out this far; not enough pieces. survey data...really wishing I brought a cargo rack about now...

Another one. Looks like it might be a diamondback...no. a vulture? No way in hell. Can't really tell. could be a fed dropship for all the pieces tell me. Nothing big or recognizable enough. Not close enough to burn in the nearby star; running out of fuel doesn't really mean an explosion, last I checked; so what the hell blew this ship to bits so far away from the rest of the universe?? Another data cache too; fat lot of good it'll do anyone. Did he just self-destruct? I guess it'd be better than just starving to death out here on an empty tank...

Whoa--binary stars. almost flew right between them from the jump. Things can't be more than 5LS apart...two M class stars, with and L-class and a T not even a thousand LS away. A quadra-star system? Don't remember seeing one of those before...

ANOTHER wreck...this one's a cobra. No doubt about it. I recognize that drive and that fuselage. Good to see someone else appreciates my choice of ship, but what in the hell is going on out here?

There it is...the Eta Carina Sector.

I'm here.
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