Logbook entry

Difficult times, difficult choices.

02 Aug 2023Ren-Louis Fabre
The war and the none-too-distant Raijin maelstrom have created a certain panic in this region, with basic supplies and less common commodities being hoarded. So I've had to turn to the two major criminal syndicates in the area in order to ensure trade keeps flowing.

The Dragons of Nastrond and the Brotherhood of Terra Mater between them control a whole region of space, and I've spent the week doing unsavoury tasks for unsavoury characters in order to gain trust, and finally, access.

I must admit I was taken aback at the scope of their operations. One long arm of the Dragons' operation, for example, extends a narcotics smuggling operation all the way to Cemiess, some 170 light years away, in the heavily policed core of the Empire.

With the new connections at my disposal, a lucrative future seems certain.
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