Logbook entry

Swords and Shields

01 Jun 2018Pax Rabbit
In the past 7 months some discoveries have unveiled some ancient history that should give us all pause.

The Thargoids seem to be a race with origins older than many of us may have suspected and their incursions into human populated space are not without precedent and may not be completely unjustified. True peace with the Thargoids seems to be even more of a long shot than it did 7 months ago but it still can not be completely ruled out. The Ancient race known as the Guardians apparently managed to keep the Thargoid wolves at bay and despite apparent attempts to contact the Thargoids the Thargoids did not seem to want to talk. Is that because the Thargoids are inherently aggressive or more that the Guardians failed to even attempt to understand what the Thargoids were truly after. Humans (and before us the Guardians) are occupying a region of space that the Thargoids seemingly have an ancient claim to that may predate either race. Evacuating the current human bubble is not an option, and so we must be prepared to defend ourselves.

On that note, there is another revelation that could have terrifying implications - the Guardians were wiped out by their own machines and at least some of them are still active. Does this mean we have potentially a 3-way inter-species war on the horizons - Humans v. Thargoids v. Guardians v. Humans. The Guardians in this case being the AI machine race that wiped out their creators (the organic Guardians) after the AI decided their creators were a threat. Given the AI machines were at least part of the reason the Thargoids were held at bay by the Guardians, it may be that if the Guardian AI does make a return we may finally have grounds to at least establish a truce with the Thargoids if not a lasting alliance. I have strong doubts that the Guardian AI machines would be willing to establish either a truce or an alliance with Humans and further more even if such a truce or alliance were established it would most likely not last and would have a high probability of ending with our extinction.

In any case, it is obvious that as a race we need to be prepared for any eventuality. To that end I have been solidifying my political standing with the major powers and have finally established enough trust with the Empire to acquire one of their Cutters. My personal fleet at this point is now pretty well rounded with a range of craft and capabilities that I never even dreamed of when I acquired my first ever ship - a humble Sidewinder. That being said I still have more to do and as a pilot with a substantial degree of assets I feel duty bound to put those assets to good use. First step along that path is to ensure all the ships are kitted out to an appropriate level and be on standby to defend our race and support any diplomatic efforts to sue for peace.

Even in peace there will be a natural need for us to maintain our swords and shields for true peace is but a dream.
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