Logbook entry

Kraits, Crates, and Crepes

08 Jul 2018Pax Rabbit
With the Thargoids attacking stations in the Core sectors the main offices of the Grey Council have been in the process of moving planet side in order to mitigate the risk of loss of life of our administrative staff. My main office has finally been moved to Fan Installation on the planet near Crown Gateway with a secondary office established at Davis Base. A minimal diplomatic staff is still maintained at Crown Gateway but they remain there on a voluntary basis knowing the risk they may be subjecting themselves too.

With things settled and our new HQ established, I have been busy unboxing some of my personal effects and souvenirs from various trips such as a small sample of meta-alloy rock, a piece of guardian drone wreckage, and even an inert fragment from an unknown artefact which is believed to have been a piece of Thargoid technology. With my mind wandering and my body busy unpacking various items of personal significance I failed to notice that one of our SLF pilots had entered my office and was patiently awaiting my attention.

I had just finished with one box when I looked up and recognised them from the last flight of GCPA29 Crusader Rabbit, smiling at them the following conversation transpired:-

Me: "What's up pilot?"
Pilot: "There is something I think you should see down at the docks."
Me: "What?"
Pilot: "A Krait"
Me: *motioning to the boxes in the room* "What is so interesting about a crate?"
Pilot: *embarrassed* "Not a crate, a Falcon-deLacy Krait Mk II."
Me: *amused* "Ok, lets go see this Krait and then go get some Crepes - I am hungry!"

On visiting the docks I was impressed to see our latest acquisition... a Krait Mk II.

The ship was not fully upgraded but had impressive stats to match it's looks regardless. The power reserves of the Krait Mk II even in a non-optimal configuration seem to make it an ideal candidate to counteract Thargoid aggression. I just hope that our engineers have not made an error in adapting Guardian tech for our ships since I doubt our group are alone in utilising Guardian tech in our Thargoid defence forces.
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︎2 Shiny!
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