Logbook entry

Origins - A Child of the Stars

07 Feb 2016Pax Rabbit
Born into slavery on an independent world with my father unknown and mother died during my birth, my true heritage and origins are unknown. My story begins when I was about 7 and our independent system was liberated by the Empire, a fellow slave who acted as my guardian since my birth voluntarily entered us into a 10 year indentured service contract with the commander of the task force that liberated our camp.

At the age of 17, with our contract fulfilled the task force commander gave us a ship (a Cobra Mk III) some starting cash and leave to travel wherever we wished. My guardian being originally from the Federation flew us to LHS 3447 with a view to re-uniting with some family and friends of theirs. Our route took us through Eravate where we barely escaped from a Pirate attack with our lives and a heavily damaged ship.

As we arrived at Worlidge Terminal we headed to the nearest bar where my guardian revealed that they were ultimately responsible for the Pirate attack. Apparently, the wing that attacked us was led by an old associate of theirs that held a grudge over a trade deal that went bad and resulted in them both being put into slavery. The revelation was not entirely a surprise and as a form of compensation for the ordeal my guardian gave me some untraceable credits to help me get started on my own without being burdened by their past transgressions.

Alone at the bar with credits in hand I looked at one of the dockside viewing monitors and dreamed about owning a ship of my own. As I was about to leave the bar, I overheard a disagreement between an Alliance pilot and someone else over a delivery. Apparently, the pilot had just delivered 96T of Palladium but the recipient was haggling over the price and insisting that they would not pay unless the commercial invoice was delivered to Trevithick Dock by the pilot.

I approached the pair and offered to deliver the invoice for them, at which point they stopped arguing and turned to stare at me. The pilot blinked a couple of times with a quizzical expression on their face and laughed. The recipient blushed, got up, and left leaving both the payment card and the invoice on the table. The pilot invited me to sit down, and we discussed the terms of the deal.

I managed to secure enough credits in advance from the pilot to top up my rather meagre funds so I could buy myself a stock sidewinder and a full tank of fuel. Now, with a ship of my own and a few credits for cargo and upgrades things were starting to look up...
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