Logbook entry

DAY 1 - Jump, Scan & Scoop

25 Jun 2019Cal-L
First day went smoothly, made it to my third checkpoint at Sifi XD-N b21-0, a little under 3000ly from my starting point.

Low emissions power plant is working a treat, full scooping without any heat issues, and I can safely skim around a star and jump away as soon as the scoop disconnects.

Doesn't feel much different to jumping around the bubble, although the star field looks a little thinner, and after 1000ly, I started to find systems with unmapped bodies, further out undiscovered systems. At least that is what my scanner is telling me, I will find out when I reach Medusa's Rock and try to sell the data.

Surface scanned a couple of ammonia worlds, and a couple of water worlds. Using the FSS to scan everything not already discovered while I scoop, seems to be reasonably efficient.

Anyway lets see what tomorrow brings, with any luck I should arrive at Medusa's Rock and take a look at my first asteroid base.
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