Logbook entry

DAY 3 - Darned Cartographers

27 Jun 2019Cal-L
Sorting out the data with the cartographers took longer than I had hoped, but we got there. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had discovered a total of 231 bodies. My mapping on the other hand had been sporadic at best, so I have noted a few systems to return to at a later date to do a proper job, and will make efforts to be more thorough going forward.

The Outcasts have become very friendly since I handed in all that data, but I decided not to avail myself of the Rock's dubious entertainment, and settled instead for a long shower and a good sleep.

Tomorrow I set out for the snappily named Prai Hypoo GF-E c10, a system close to my originally intended route, and where a cartographer assured me I would find a Guardian site.

We will see, it isn't as if I will be travelling back over 8000ly to tell him he is wrong!
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