Logbook entry

DAY 6 - Notable Stellar Phenomena

02 Jul 2019Cal-L
I could operate the scanners in my sleep, muscle memory tuned through hours of repetition; gas giant, high metal content world, rocky body, icy body, notable stellar phenomena, icy body, icy body... wait a moment! As I move the scanner back, Verity chips in 'Notable Stellar Phenomena detected.' A little late perhaps, but I am sure she doesn't like me, the only time she seems happy is when she announces 'Incoming Missile!'

The phenomena is in an icy ring, and now fully awake I set out to investigate when Verity repeats 'Notable Stellar Phenomena detected.' Yes, yes, heard you the first time! No wait, there is a second signal, this one out in deep space.

Having never mastered the art of being in two places at the same time, I decide to keep to my original target and drop into the cool glow of the asteroid field, dotted with pretty crystal stars.

A scan identifies them as Rubeum Metallic Crystals, so I make like a Chinese tourist and go snap happy with the camera.

Finally satisfied, I head out to the other scanned location which Verity identifies as a Proto Lagrange Cloud, from what I can tell that is short for dirty, dark, if there at all, cloud. I stare out into the darkness, barely able to make out shapes around me. Lights! I need lights! Verity manages not to snigger at my stupidity, but I know she is doing it quietly.

With the miracle of light, I can now see I am alarmingly close to the point of a crystal, much like the first crystals, but this time the scanner identifies it as a Prasinum Metallic Crystal. I wonder for a moment if I could mine it, not that I would want to drag Heart Breaker all the way out here to try.

As I float among the crystals I start to notice odd structures of interconnecting balls that the scanner identifies quite aptly as Solid Mineral Spheres.

There is something else out here, in my ship lights it appears ghost like, and it is moving in my direction...

I felt a sense of peace as I watched Speccy, named after his four eyes, floating out and back to my ship. Somehow this one brief alien connection had re-energised me.
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︎10 Shiny!
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