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Origins of a Commander | Part 1

04 Feb 2016Battlus
I have never been one sit in one place. So hanging around on New California didn't suit me for too long. Life on the farm with Mom and Pop could only satisfy me for so long, I had to speak up. One day I asked my father if I could join the pilot's federation, so I could live among the stars. At first he seemed hesitant to the idea, but after seeing the glint in my eyes, he knew I couldn't be talked out of this. After tending to the crops for the last haul of 3301, he told me to hop in the car with him.

"Where are we going?" I asked, oblivious of his intentions.

"You'll see." He replied with a cool head. After about an hour drive to the city, we stopped at the local spaceport. My family was already waiting outside the front doors. "You said you wanted to join the pilot's federation?" He asked. Too stunned for words, I could only nod. After some tearful goodbyes, I hopped aboard the Ocra, destination: LHS 3447.

From here I passed my pilot's exams and finished all of the flight simulations with flying colors and truly earned the title of Commander. I used the credits my father had given me to purchase a small, but affordable sidewinder that I appropriately named 'Pea Shooter'. Eager to leave and with throttle in hand, I sped out of the station, headed wherever the solar winds would take me.

Leaving the system for the first time as an official Commander of the Pilot's Federation, I decided to do some good old fashion bounty hunting. Combat Simulations always seemed to be my favorite, so I decided that would be a good place to start.

I warped into the local nav beacon, immediately seeing someone under fire by another ship. After some scans I learned that it was a trader being attacked by a pirate in another sidewinder. I swiftly dispatched the sidewinder and earned a nice little bounty payout. After dispatching a couple more pirate sidewinders, I decided to cash out my newly earned bounties at the nearest starport. Using the new funds and some of my Father's leftover money, I decided to buy a sparkling new Eagle.

After a few more months of bounty hunting, I had upgraded to a trusty Cobra Mk III and already made a small name for myself in the federation. I missed the Empire, as the corporatist values of the Federation wore on me.

On the night of August 5th I was sitting in the local bar aboard Haipeng Port in Eta Serpentis. All of the monitors started blaring  a special news report. Chills went down my spine as I read it: "EMPORER HENGIST DUVAL ASSASSINATED. EMPIRE IN PANIC." I knew it was time to head home. I loaded up the best FSD I could and set course for New California, Liabeze.

After a quick detour to the farm to make sure my folks were fine (and to say hi), I headed to Lyulka Beacon to enlist in the Imperial Navy.
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