Logbook entry

DW2 +3 months 3 weeks 6 days

27 Apr 2019ShardTheOwl
Nary over 10k light years to Beagle Point left. I'm getting fairly nervous and excited. 3 months had led to this, but at the same time, I feel like this may use the last of my sanity. The Abyss now looms ahead in my journey. The Chamunda's paint is starting to wither away from all this neutron boosting. Need to get to a volcanic planet for AFM refills. Vanadium is what I'm missing. Going to have to be a lot more cautious with neutron boosting. FSD's already at 89%. But, I have found a place to rest for a few days. I'll be in contact later on as I get closer to Beagle Point.
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