DECIAT - Drove all this way, and I left arsenic at home...
03 Jul 2019Mos Superum
==== BEGIN LOG ====Ugh...
What a long trip...
[pouring liquid sound]
Oh -- sweet coffee and caffeine release.
[drinking / sipping sound]
I just made the haul from Wyrd to Wolf 397 to Deciat, paying visits to three (3) separate engineers. All in a range-starved Federation Gunship.
[someone yelling from the background]
Yeah? Devon? What? I'm doing ship's logs. What? No -- check the fighter bay configuration for the Gelid. Something was off the last time I launched in one of the Taipans.
OK? Alright. Hey -- did you eat? OK -- I'm finishing ship's log. Yes. Yes -- hehehe -- I'm bitching about arsenic and engineers. OK.
[closes cockpit hatch]
Anyway -- this really validates what I've been saying -- we have to get all these engineers to move in to some enclave or something. Two days of non-stop travel and bounty hunting while also minding the fuel gauge the whole time. I had to make materials trades 5 times, and I still didn't have enough to fully engineer this gunship that has become more of a beast of burden than a combat ready vessel.
To top it all off -- ran out of arsenic materials on my stop to Blaster McBlastertron -- I forget his name -- out of Wolf 397. The OCD pilot in me is just cringing that ALL of the weaponry on this ship isn't corrosive. I hope it doesn't cost me in a fight.
[sipping from a cup sound]
At least Devon is working out. Hired him just before I started this engineering run around the bubble. I just wish I had a faster ship with which to make use of his talents. Now if I can just keep him alive in this lumbering firearm, we'll do just fine for a while until I have to dip back into the belts for
[beep from cockpit door]
Come in?
[opening cockpit door sounds; someone walking on the deck plating]
[Devon] Oh -- cap -- did I interrupt?
No -- you're fine. Grab a cup of coffee. It's that hyrdroponic stuff out of Wyrd. Not the worst. I'm wrapping up my log.
{Devon] Oh -- sorry -- I can come b---
It's fine, man.
OK -- that's it from Deciat. Devon and I will be back to the boat and upgrading the FSD for some more range with Ms. Farseer tomorrow.
Anything you wanna say, Devon...
[Devon] Hi, mom?
Heheh -- that'll do... COVAS-- file log...
==== END LOG ====