31 Dec 2020Rainbro
I've never been one for writing these, but if I'm leaving, it feels right to wrap things up. I've written a fair deal about the things I've tried to accomplish, but usually at least semi-anonymously. This might be the last chance I get to bring everything together. Haven't written about myself before. Obligatory "if you're reading this, I'm already dead" joke, except I'm not dead, just gone.I started off as a bounty hunter, worked my way up to my Imperial Clipper, and then stayed there. It wasn't until the death of Salomé, and the discovery of her Requiem, that I became... politically active.
I began looking for other likeminded pilots who wanted to oppose the true elites, first falling in with a group of commanders attempting to shutdown particular stations using the Unknown Artifacts. Ironically, I was unceremoniously kicked out after publicizing a war involving Aegis Research, as the group's leader had bad blood with Aegis's opponent in that war.
The war was won anyway - I won't claim it was because of me, as it turned out that the people I had advertised were more active than I knew, and had already rejected their connection to Sirius - but a lot of people showed up to help. People cared.
I started searching for the next target. Socho, the headquarters of Aegis Core, the administrators of Aegis. While working for the local anarchists, the Socho Gold Raiders, I ran into CMDR Eran Mintor, who had much the same goals as me and was attempting to shutdown their headquarters. Together, with me increasing the influence of the Raiders, and Mintor smuggling UAs into the main starport, we triggered a war between Aegis Core and the Raiders. The Raiders won.
And then GalNet picked up the story.
Obviously, the mainstream media was biased towards Aegis - they have the same masters - but this was big. It coincided with a scheduled Aegis CG in the system, which went ahead automatically but drew in large numbers of pilots to the newly liberated Socho system.
We received a few angry messages from those who believed in Aegis, or rather, those who didn't know any better. I note somewhat smugly that in the two and a half years since the event, Aegis has never even come close to regaining control. The messages were just messages. The wider community rightfully rejected Aegis's manipulative plea for help.
Socho had consequences. The temporary collapse of the Eagle Eye network highlighted how useless Aegis was, as their "surveillance" network being offline had no impact on the pilots fighting on the front lines. I put it down to unfortunate timing that Mintor's own UA bombing of Dantec did not result in this, as he had successfully achieved it right as the Raiders took control. I suppose that got missed with everything going on.
Eventually, Aegis Core were forced to relocate to Sol. Makes sense they would go there, given how the Federation was previously used for covert alien operations. While I couldn't touch them there, I continued looking for ways to oppose Aegis in other places.
Aegis Research continued its work in the Pleiades. The dismantlement of that faction was handled by others, and very well I should add. I decided to take a look at the Sentinel, the military installation constructed in the Pleiades after the events in Socho.
I attempted to organize an attack on the structure, to disrupt Aegis operations and publicize information on how the Thargoid attacks were being coordinated by Aegis. The attack succeeded in the end, but not without a few unfortunate incidents that stemmed from our lack of experience conducting such events. In any case, there's no real ingame mechanism for "destroying" installations - the guns come right back when you leave. It's of little surprise that attack had no further consequences. But I'm still glad I did it, I met a lot of good people. I still get the occasional message asking about it and the Transmitters. I'm happy to say that the Sentinel was later captured for good by Sirius Inc (now working against their parent corporation).
Aegis Core had been forced to retreat, and Aegis Research was eventually all but wiped out in the Pleiades. But of course, the true elites weren't going to let one of their pieces be taken so easily. They continued to operate, continued to escalate the war, regardless of the losses to innocents. CGs were nigh impossible to stop due to the low success requirements, and even when they might have failed, they were forced to succeed anyway using unseen assets. For a time I worked on smaller projects unrelated to Aegis. Prison breaks seem to appeal to me. Pay a visit to the Eagle Sector if you're passing by on your way to Colonia.
Then Nova Imperium appeared in the Empire. The only official organization I had seen that publicly opposed Aegis. They themselves were opposed by authorities all across the galaxy, including those we suspected to be under the thumb of the Club. I knew they were the best chance I had to free the Empire from Aegis once and for all.
That didn't entirely go to plan. The Empire attacked Nova Imperium, and while we put up a good fight, the faction that had been ingame for under a week lost to the superpower that had had years to build up support. In an uncharacteristic show of brutality, the Emperor ordered the execution of all Nova Imperium members, and the imprisonment of their families. I strongly suspect her hand was forced on this matter by Anders Blaine, the Club's man in the Empire. I don't bear her too much ill-will, she is at least aware of the Club, even if she by her own admission can't always escape manipulation by them. Most of that is reserved in the form of salt against certain Imperials who sought to rewrite history through extensive propaganda against us. But even that is all in the past now.
Nova Imperium survived, barely. I stuck around to help rebuild, though I certainly didn't expect to stay for as long as I did, almost two years. I've met a lot of good people while working for Nova. If any of them are reading this... thank you. Not just for suffering through this rambling post, but for everything. Your service, dedication, and support were the brightest light throughout all of my time here. For as long as you find it fun to continue, continue to blaze your trail. Too many names to name. I wish you all success, in whatever you decide to do.
Finally, Nova Imperium is back. The Treaty of Paresa was ratified, and I'd like to think that the anti-Aegis elements I put into our side of it helped influence the Empire's decision to withdraw from Aegis. It's done, and I'm confident that Nova Imperium will continue to grow without me.
The fight isn't over. Aegis's clandestine operations still continue, and their puppetmasters still operate...everywhere. But I'm satisfied. I have other things that I need to do, and I'm confident that we'll win. I've seen enough good people throughout my time here to trust in that.
As for Socho, I've passed responsibility for it onto a player faction that has recently moved in. I've kept the Raiders in control there ever since we took it, but as I move on, a more permanent solution is needed. If they hold up their end of the deal, I can live with it.
I'm retiring to Socho. I'll keep an eye on the news - if I see the endgame approaching, maybe I'll lend a hand for that fight. But in the meanwhile, it's time for me to step back. The future approaches fast.