Logbook entry

Never Attack a CMDR with 200Cr Bounty!

Starlog - 01/07/3302 4:16

CMDR GTR 2014 (Golf Tango Romeo)

Some people just learn the hard way, today was a one of those.

So I was contracted by the Graill Redd Liberals for a system wide bounty hunt of any wanted vessel in the sys.
The system was very well defended with all those others CMDRs contracted by the same guy, was quite hard to find some good targets.

In one of those targets that I acquired, I got a little finger loose , and shoot without verification, hence having a 200Cr bounty in my head. I was in a hurry so i just keep my business with the wanted sing on my head, no one would take a bite on a famos Dangerous ship.

On my search for bounties,I came acros a known location of mining, in the seventh planet of the system, where is know to be a place where pirates go for a shoot on fresh cargo just mined. Arriving there was easy, finding a target not so much, looks like the amount of people hunting might have scared the bigger fishes.

The only targets I was getting was Sideys  and Eagles, and the moment i just found a good wing of wanted ships, the whole fact of this report arrives!

- I was shoot by a Fellow CMDR!

Sometimes you know you're in a sh**y position, and knowing when to get the hell out of this ones are primordial, you can't fight 2 CMDRs , 3 Wanted Ships plus the police.

Barelly made alive of the encounter, HUD shows a 2% integrity of my ship, my thruster was shoot, and I can only thanks to the Farseer Corp. for the enhanced drives who even though busted , got me to 500M/s before failing.

So time to reboot the system to correct the bugs and hope for a good thrusters backup. Everything fired up, Thrusters now shows 2% integrity, and I'm back in the game!
I never run from a good fight, and those 2 CMDRs doesn't looked like a big deal, while I was waiting for my shield to come online i was thinking about what to do, get down there and teach then a lesson or let go...

-Nah! those guys will understand why you shouldn't fire on a CMDR with only 200Cr bounty!

I couldn't kill then, because this would give me a bounty big enough to make me a real criminal and my contract would be shoot , NO PAYMENT!

I decided i would make then run with the tail between their legs!

The great point of having a fast ship is dictating the engagement, you can go out and recover while they can only defend then selves against you attacks.

Add the effect that they thought that i was a gonner , coming back might be a great surprise for them!

The first one to take the beating was a viper with a novice CMDR, no shame on sooting him down.  I shoot his shields and made the big mistake of shooting a point black missile on him, damage was shared between us, and my ship overcharged, the mission one was complete, the guy ducked and runned, but I lost my engines yet again!

Some time later i found the other guy, this one was in a Imp. Eagle, and was an expert rank, i could see the red icon indicating that he fired upon me, this one actualy took quite a beating, shields , hull and a missile on the rear end settled down the encounter, no drives for this guy. Damage was done, messages we're delivered, he got something to think while his ship was in colision course to a asteroid with little to nothing that he could do...

NEVER EVER SHOOT A CMDR with only 200Cr bounty

Video recording of the encounter:
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