Logbook entry

Consolmagno Enterprise

12 Mar 2020Andronova
It's always a sight to behold. When dropping from supercruise at a spaceport and discovering the presence of two Majestic-class Interdictors, you cannot help but peel in for a closer look.

Security is much tighter than usual at Consolmagno Enterprise in Khruvandji, with no less than a dozen Imperial Navy patrol ships patrolling this morning. The last time I was here, the Interdictors had just arrived and were severely damaged. Still, the repairs are moving along on these magnificent vessels, and I cannot help but wonder that it will not be long before both ships are operational again. That may, in part, be why security is on the increase. Readying for an offensive against a superpower? To bring calm to unrest with a minor faction? Or perhaps it is because of the lull of attacks we have experienced recently from the Thargoids?

It certainly seems that, while it may seem quieter, there is indescribable unrest within the galaxy with everyone I meet. My gut tells me something big is about to happen, and it feels like the powers that be are in the know.

Perhaps it is more reason than ever to be leaving the bubble on this expedition. I spent the morning loading up on Core Dynamic Composites for engineering as I ever so slowly reach my target on loading up on materials. The day cannot come soon enough and, until then, I'll just keep my head down, and fly low.

CMDRS LOG: 3306.
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