Logbook entry

Entry 135

June 23, 3304

It has been a few years now ever since I stopped doing smuggling missions. I moved onto other activities but they have since dried up. Massacre missions do not pay as well anymore along with Passenger missions. It may have been some under the table deals within the Pilots Federation galaxy-wide where we can't earn as much anymore. Not sure why, we are the Elite. Well I am a billionaire now so I don't care right now. I want to at least write down an reflect what has happened.

I am currently just minding my own business within the galaxy by doing trading and combat orders to take down Pirate Lords. Ever since the Robigo incident the once former Slave Annie has permanently joined my crew as my copilot. I am still trying to get her admitted into becoming a Commander but she tells me that isn't needed. Coming from a daughter of a well known Imperial Captain I guess she is set for life. It took some convincing with Captain Kimberly of the Imperial Legion but I promised her I would keep Annie safe.

I have gotten other crew members as well for the S.S.V. Cosmic Castaway too! Ship engineer Samuel who is also the one that helped modify this Anaconda fully. Our Botanist Samantha is the twin sister of our engineer and helps grow food on the ship. Yes we converted some space into a Hydroponics section. Good for long range missions and fresh Oxygen. Sheila joined up as our Medical officer. She is mostly conducting science with chemicals, she was also a Federal beauty model though stopped and pursued a career in medicine. Two others that are on board are Avani and Raphael, they are the SLF pilots. Great company to have around and are great pilots. Lastly is our ship AI Binary. She isn't a Covas AI, Annie used to tinker with computers and coding before she was captured and messed with AI relics a lot. Last year she asked me to hunt down about ten tons of them and with it she made out AI Binary. Binary helps out with many of our ships systems, she has her own personality to the point we treat her as human even if she is just code.

With the recent attacks from Thargoids the crew and I have been iffy on all of them. We all agree that Aegis is the real problem here and have vowed to not engage the aliens unless we have too. There have been more and more crap going around but I think the one that hit me the most was a recent news article from GalNet.

It was announced that Princess Aisling Duval was getting married. This really shocked me. I grew up in Imperial space and unknown to a lot of people I knew Aisling for a bit as a child. We sort of grew up together really, think of those stories where some rich child meets a poor child. That was us back then. We mostly shared ideas on what we wanted to be when we grew up and other childish things like the best candy in the galaxy. They were good times but we soon had to go our separate ways. I wouldn't lie that I had feelings towards her but I was never showed that. I just kept it to myself. We haven't talked to each other ever since I became a Commander. The last I saw her was when I trespassed into her home just to have one last chat. That was not a very smart choice I'll be honest but it was nice to see her. Before I left to become a Commander I told her to always follow her dreams. I guess she is still doing just that. I would be lying if I said I wasn't heartbroken reading that article but this may be a good thing, but I also worry for her safety. There are many hard core Imperials who will not accept this, same goes for the Feds.

Perhaps it is time I gave the Princess one last visit..
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