Logbook entry

Encrypted Message, Password is "Binary is the Best"

<Beginning Playback Message, Uncut Version>

*You hear a faint voice* "Gosh darn it what am I supposed to say? Sure we haven't talked in I'd say twelve years? She is always so busy. You think she would be angry?"

*There is a slight Pause*

"I guess. What if she thinks I was dead this entire time? Okay! I'll get on with it!"

*Sound of someone sitting down can be heard then their voice clears*

"Hey there Blue! I think you know who it is if I am calling you Blue! Yeah it's me Cyrus. Long time no see I know. Sorry if I haven't been sending you any messages and all being a Pilots Fed Commander can be tough. Heard many things you have been up too ever since I joined up. Ummm I want to say at least then I am really proud and uh I wish I was there for you at times but I hit a rough time while being a commander. Maybe if we got together and talked we could share stories!"

*There is a sigh*

"I'm sorry Blue. I haven't been the best friend you knew me as when we were kids. Time's change I guess. I've uh sent you a gift though! Made it myself...sort of. I have a crew and one of the members helped me out. She is great to have around! Kinda reminds me of you as a kid. I hope you like the gift and I hope you stay safe after all is done. Have a Happy Wedding Aisling."

*Few more seconds of Silence*

"You think she will send me a wedding invitation?"

<End of Recording>

[Whoopsie, I sent this publicly. Oh boy Cyrus will be mad~]
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︎3 Shiny!
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