Logbook entry

The Great Games Begin

12 Jun 2016Skiingiggy
Things have been hectic out in the verse. The last time I updated my logbook I'd been spending a night in the Lagoon Nebula. I'd intended to take a lengthy expedition and spent some time out in the black. What actually happened though, was far crazier. The next morning I decided I was going to literally sprint to the neutron fields as fast as possible - which proved an interesting challenge for me, and indeed for the ship. Once I arrived I got communications from several pilots that there were some interesting events stirring in the bubble - and they'd requested my presence helping out.  Needless to say, my extended journey got cut quite a bit short. I arrived, scanned a few stars, and immediately began my return trip to the bubble.

I arrived, sold exploration data to some engineers and did some rudimentary upgrading of the FSDs of a few of my ships, and then immediately went to work. There's... a lot going on in the galaxy right now, and it looks like current events could change the future of the bubble, so I'm doing my part to try and ensure things work out in the favor of... well, myself, but also the bubble as a whole. The first bout of events relied quite heavily on mining - not my forte if I'm honest.

Now though, there's a few wars going on that I need to take part in, and there's also a lot of criminals out and about and the bounties on them are quite high. Sundered Star was once a vibrant blue, but now she's been painted in a tactical green to fit the jobs I have to do. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of fighting in the bubble - and I'm not entirely looking forward to it. But I've got a job to do, and after my quick haunt near the core, I think I'm ready to get to work.
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