Logbook entry

Missing In Action

25 Oct 2016Skiingiggy
I've been going stir crazy lately. I'm planet bound. I always knew that this was going to happen - it always does. Commitments on Earth always take me away from the black for more time than I'd ever really hoped - and they're not always enjoyable reasons either. But sadly such is life for one who started out in Sol, on Earth.

It's easy to forget when you're out in the black, exploring so many different star systems, so many planets, space stations, moons, et all. There's so much out there that it's so easy to forget all the little things that happen back home - the average day to day life that so many people lead, the change of the seasons, holidays, meals. All these things that people do every day of every year while being bound to the planet - things we don't often do out in the black. Sure, there's mentions of holidays and we all need to eat but - out there - it's just so much bigger. Massive governments and factions duke it out all the time over resources, and new threats lurk in the unknown and new technologies are discovered and people travel and the galaxy is just so... just SO massive that while we're out there it's easy to forget all this stuff going on back home. My responsibilities have kept me here, on Earth, for far longer than I'd really wish. It's probably been 2 months since I've taken a jaunt across the bubble of habitated space, and I've not even had a chance to TRY and explore the new areas we've attempted to colonize recently.

It's not all doom and gloom though. There is a certain pleasure to be had in the mundane - while I'm here I've spent plenty of indulging in the things this kind of life has to offer - routine meals with family - time spent with cherished friends whom I've been unable to see for a long while - especially not while out and about in the 'verse - and I've even taken to playing music again - something that's quite hard to do out here. Sure, while I'm flying I can always continue to write and compose but - there's definitely something to be said for a jam session with some buddies - and for me that doesn't happen particularly often while out in the black. There are a lot of simple things we tend to miss or forget about while we're out there exploring and fighting and hauling - things that just get lost in the big political machine that is our galaxy, the entirety of humanity. The big political disputes seem... almost unimportant here on Earth - and I lament for those on other planets that are more actively engaged in the power struggle, because they don't ever know the luxury of this peace. And I empathize with them, because I've fought in wars for these factions before. Hell, I've fought in wars for a faction that I support elsewhere in the 'verse too. But I've also seen the joys of the peaceful life on the planets.

And while I've been here, I have certainly been missing my time out in space. But I'm lucky - I get the best of both - or really every - world. I have the simple life here on Earth that I can enjoy - and when my commitments here have all been met, I've got my fleet of ships, always waiting for me, ready to depart on a moments notice for adventure and good times awaiting.

I'm hoping I'll be able to take a jaunt across the bubble again soon - maybe help some people in need or partake in some thrilling heroics - but until then I'm grounded. I may be MIA, but I'm definitely not gone.
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