Logbook entry

Contact. If you can call it that.

06 Jan 2017Skiingiggy
I've visited the ruins before. And the crash site. And I've carried some of the artefacts and fragments and things we've found from these sites. I even recall history that we've fought with some strange aliens in the past. though I can't find any real information or history on it - I think the powers that be would rather we forget that ever happened - but.

I really genuinely never expected that we'd encounter them. That I would encounter them. Even if that was rather the point of this entire expedition I though it was just rumors, a scam, a joke to lure unsuspecting pilots out to the system and away from the law. I was wrong. So very wrong. I went to visit a few of the known alien sites in the area, as I figured they were the most likely places I'd find proof, if there was any to be found. I found nothing. After far too many hours of searching non-stop I decided that I needed a rest, and so I plot a course for Obsidian Orbital that I may land, resupply and get some rest.

2 jumps before I was due to arrive in Maia. And it happened. My hyperspace corridor went... orange. And strange. I've never seen something quite like this before in the thousands of light years I've traveled across the galaxy. My ship started blaring warnings about how the corridor had destabilized. I had no idea how to react - but I didn't have to. I was ripped out of hyperspace and left adrift. I was terrified.

Then it happened. I heard some incredibly strange noises in the cockpit. It seemed like the fabric of reality itself was tremoring and yelling at me. Then, it appeared. A massive ship of some kind - organic looking for lack of a better word - almost like a cross between a mutated flower and a jellyfish. It did what I could only assume was some type of scan - at least I hope - before it turned tail and ran. It blew past me with enough force to send my powerless ship into a spin. I guess it decided I wasn't a threat? Or maybe I wasn't what it was looking for? Either way, I'm really amazed I'm still alive. Once it had gotten a decent distance away, my power flickered back on and I was free to go - like nothing had ever happened.

All I know is this ship isn't combat ready - hell, it doesn't even have shielding on it. Never saw the need for it out in the black, far from other commanders who would do me any harm. Now though, I'm not so sure. Screw Obsidian Orbital, and screw sleep. I'm hightailing it back to the relative safety of home. I won't rest until I'm safely docked back at Greebs. Hoping I don't run into another one of these... things... before I make it there.

Alone and Afraid, CMDR Skiggs signing off.
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