Logbook entry

Faith & Retribution

05 Feb 2017Skiingiggy
I'm still dealing with a lot of inner turmoil over recent events in my personal life - events I won't go into detail with here because it's quite frankly boring and pathetic. Things are better, as I mentioned in my last journal - but they're not great and sometimes I'm still struggling to deal with the reality of things - which is why I've taken to running to the stars so damned much. But that's OK.

Courtesy of this turmoil and some funding, I've taken the time to upgrade and update parts of my fleet. Lone Wolf and Shadow of Penance, probably my two favorite ships, didn't see much love in this, since they're basically where I want them to be for now. Eventually Shadow of Penance will receive a massive retrofit to be more combat ready, but for now she's outfitted for trade and I'll leave her that way - I don't need another combat ship prepped and ready to go, but more on that later. Purity of Spirit, my passenger vessel, got a pretty decent retrofit. She went from a standard people hauler to one of the finest luxury cruisliners I've ever seen, fit to carry some of the most prestigious guests all across the stars - and she's already started turning a profit for me. Even donned a new coat of green and white to match the new upgrades - and I imagine she'll be keeping a great many people happy and exploring the universe for a good many years to come.

Faith & Retribution. This vessel has been my saving grace over the past few days. It's also been the greatest bane of my existence, but all the stress and monotony that has come from getting her geared up has been worth it. She has been upgraded and engineered into a fine combat vessel, and I'm just getting started. Courtesy of some of the engineering, Faith is capable of traveling almost 20ly per jump, a significant increase from her initial 13. I imagine that range will drop a little more once she's geared with prismatics and some shiny new hull plating but - it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. All of her weapons have been at least partially upgraded, with more planned along the way. She's seen combat in places all throughout the bubble, fighting to help maintain peace and justice at every turn. She's been especially active out in 17 Draconis. I'm not sure it's the best use of her talents but upgrades are expensive, and damn do the factions out there like to pay well for combat specialists. Faith & Retribution is just that though - and being out in the combat zones and doing well has done wonders to help me get through all of the things I've needed to distract myself from.

All that's left to do now is finish out this war and gather the resources for a few more rounds of upgrades. I know roughly where I need to go and what I need to find, and I've got a plan. For now, at least, I can keep pressing on.
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