Logbook entry

Halfway To Hell

07 Nov 2015Skiingiggy
I am approximately 13,000 Light Years away from Sol. I am also approximately 13,000 light years away from Sagittarius A*.

I had no idea just how grueling and tiring this journey would be. They don't tell you how monotonous things become when you're this far away from civilization - there's no one else out here - ever. Most of these systems are unseen by anyone but me - closer to human space, there were planets largely unexplored but documented by others. Out here, even that is a rarity - I almost miss it.

There are many amazing views out here, and things waiting to be discovered. But between those things there is little but rocky, lifeless worlds, and star clusters of the same main sequence and brown dwarf stars. I'm told this changes closer to the core, but for now who's to say.

I'm halfway to Sag. A now though, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a little monotonous travel stop me. I mean, on the bright side, at least I'm not being interdicted or having people attempt to rob me all the time.

The ship took a little bit of damage so far, nothing that I'm too worried about - yet.

Systems - minor damage

Spinning down frame shift drive

I'm orbiting a lone star in the middle of nowhere - and it's time to sleep before I continue the long trek towards my destination.
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