Logbook entry

Panic Triggers

12 Dec 2015Skiingiggy
It's been... admittedly a longer flight back to Sol than I'd intended - and it hasn't been nearly as smooth a journey as I'd hoped either - mostly because of my own ignorance or impatience as I've been making my jumps - I'm over 8000 light years away from home, and my hull is down to 80% - not too shabby compared to other stories I've heard... but lower than I'd like. I've also run out of fuel - or so I thought - twice. Fortunately for me there were stars within half a light year away I could jump to to save myself, but the odds of me being that lucky again slim down as I get further from the core and stars get farther apart.

There's... there's also the issue of my glass canopy. It hasn't failed yet, but it's got a few nice cracks in it after my latest run-in with a star... and the next accident could prove the final blow to it. My life support certainly couldn't hold long enough to get me home if it cracked now. And out here in the black there ain't likely that there's gonna be a rescue, even if I make it to the cryopod (on which I've put a sign that says break glass in case of emergency - the irony of it isn't lost on me now, I assure you.)

So, I really need to be careful with what's left of this trip, or I won't make it home. If things go well, I could make it back sometime within the next 12 hours - but I don't know if I'll have the focus or fortitude to get there that quickly. Space is a dangerous place, after all.
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