Logbook entry

Back In Action

24 May 2016Skiingiggy
It's been a busy week. Ever since I've been able to get back to the black, things have been crazy. I've relocated my entire fleet of ships from Sol to their new homes. Whereas I used to be a solo pilot working out of Sol across the bubble, I've began working quite a lot with other commanders and pilots over the past few days to really try and help make a difference.

I've taken quite a bit of time over the last few days in combat - especially in Neits - as a mercenary to earn some extra credits. Combat work isn't really my favorite, as killing just because or for profit doesn't really sit well with me - but Wars are going to happen weather I partake in them or not, and I'm actually not a bad combat fighter. I figured that if the fighting is going to happen anyway, I might as well do my part to try and end it sooner - and make some credits along the way. If I have to be fighting I'd prefer Bounty Hunting, because at least those people are criminals but... War is Hell, this isn't news to anyone who's ever fought in one. Fortunately, this time I was able to avoid the bitterness of it. I fought, got paid, and got out. Sundered Star is a dream to fly, and is very capable in combat heavy situations, especially when there's a wingmate or two to back her up, which also made these fights much easier to deal with.

Aside from that, though, I've FINALLY managed to come up with a name for the new pride of my fleet: my cutter. Her name is Vision of Living Time, VoLT for short, something I took from the Forerunner, one of my favorite alien races in science fiction. The name seems very fitting to her as well, given the work that I've been doing while flying her. I felt bad about all of the killing I'd been doing in the war, so when I ceased the fighting and returned to Phiagre, I loaded up VoLT with crop harvesters and began making my way throughout the bubble delivering any and all cargo that was needed. I ran the occasional haul of Imperial Slaves to keep things profitable, and since its all indentured work and places need labor, and people willingly partake, I really don't feel bad about it at all. Besides, VoLT is quite luxurious, and I'm sure their journey was comfortable. Imperial Cargo made up probably the smallest percentage of cargo recently, though. Most of the time, I was transporting much needed goods, food, medicine, the like, to places in the bubble that needed it the most. It wasn't particularly profitable work - but it needs to be done, and it felt great to be able to help out some of the less fortunate areas of the bubble.

There's also been some time spent mapping out various parts of the bubble and doing some long range information brokering and transferring, which is tedious but also needs to be done on occasion. It's been an interesting week, and ALL of the fleet got some flight time, and I've gotta say it's been really great to be able to spend so much time out in the black again. I fear that I might soon be recalled back to Earth for some more responsibilities, and it'll be harder to take myself back there now that my fleet isn't based there anymore - and because I don't want to be away from the black - but for now I'm free to do as I please and I'm going to keep doing my best to help make the bubble a better place.
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