Cmdr Smoht
Registered ship name
C.S.F. Aracillum
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette SM-31F
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Another Battle

08 Mar 2023Smoht
The battles in HIP 30260 have been exhausting, but there is no time for rest.

Yesterday, I headed to the Picenile system to check on how things were going there and offer help if needed. It's not far from HR 2353, where we have the "Opium" docked, about 75 light-years away, so I decided to travel in the "Eve of Blazes".

Upon arrival, and after scanning the system, it was not difficult for me to know that the system was doomed. The human stations were around the secondary star, about 400,000 light-seconds from the main star. A long and dangerous journey that many Commanders will avoid. And I have to admit that I myself had doubts, but something pushed me to set the course while I wondered if it was worth it. I was still thinking about whether I should look for another system to continue the fight or abandon this one to its fate when the first interdiction arrived, abruptly pulling me out of my thoughts. Surrendering makes the MDD charge faster, so I didn't fight to evade it. And the Eve runs beautifully, so the bugs that pulled me out of hyperspace barely caught a glimpse of my wake as I drifted away and jumped again.

Then three more came.

Finally, I managed to reach Hadfield Observatory. Its state was as expected: buildings on fire and that green caustic crap everywhere. But fortunately, no enemy signals.

Executive Duncan Dillon of the Congressus Tenebris faction welcomed me, but his face couldn't hide a grimace of disappointment when I explained that my ship was not equipped for evacuation tasks.

"The Thargoids have given us a break. We need to get out everyone we can before they return."

"I understand, but the Eve of Blazes is a combat ship. I'm afraid I don't have space to take anyone. Maybe it's best if I move to that nearby station. It seems to be under attack, isn't it?"

"Crippen Dock. Yes." The executive lowered his gaze to the ground for a moment. "But I think it would be in vain. The latest information assures that it is almost empty. The few pilots fighting there only make sure that evacuation ships can enter and leave. No one fights anymore. Unfortunately, Crippen Dock is lost."


For a few seconds, I contemplated the situation.

"I'll stay around here for a couple of days. You know, in case I'm needed."

"Oh, the Thargoids will surely come back to finish the job. This station still resists, after all. That's why we need to evacuate. No one will come to help us."

"Since I'm here, I'll do what I can."

"I appreciate it, Commander."

The station was chaotic, so I decided to rest in my own ship.

The sound of the alert woke me up, too early for my liking.

"Distortion engine anomaly detected."

"They're here again," I thought.

I quickly took the controls and requested takeoff. A red signal appeared on the radar as soon as the ship lifted a few meters, an interceptor. It wasn't an attack as such. These come preceded by several waves of scouts before the big bugs appear.

I informed the station.

"An interceptor, Basilisk variant. Maybe they're testing the ground."

The fight lasted about 20 minutes. As I watched the remnants of the Thargoid ship fall slowly, I couldn't help but think that these things weren't going to give up in any way. Whatever Salvation did, they definitely didn't like it.

"Hadfield Observatory, this is Commander Smoht in the Eve of Blazes. Requesting landing."

I'm sure they will come back.
Well, I'll be here.
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