Logbook entry

Akers wait. (Chapter one)

21 May 2019Sen Zaurak
The black void pepperd with dots of light. Distant stars and planets creating the backdrop to the cold darkness.   Akers Orbital slowly rotates in the distance.  Located within the Fousang system and patrolled by Federation systems authority.  The station is known for stopping any black market smuggling from taking place, although an occasional pilot will make it past the watchdogs from time to time.    

The distance and speed indicators on the Halo gauge of the dash reaches the safe indicators. Image projection showing it is safe to disengage FSD module is signaled.   “We made it.”  Says the pilot.   “Yes!” comes a female voice over coms. “I am ready for a shower, some station chili with a beer and some shopping for new gear! Whoo hoo!”  

The pilot pulling off his helmet and shaking his head after throttling down on the approach to the station. He looks over at the distance reading. The numbers growing smaller as the modified Krait  Mark II slowly approaches the station.  Lights illuminate over the surface of the ship, showing wear and tear in the paintwork.  What appears to be large scratches along the left side as if something harder than the hull started to cut away at the surface.  The name of the ship worn but still readable.  “Dreadnaught”  the Tail number “CNV301”  a throwback to the historic Commonwealth navy vessels shows the mentality of the Dreadnaught commander.  

 “Hey? What's the holdup? “ The female voice asks over coms.  “We are still 10k out from the station and we are creeping along. Come on Sen kick it in the ass so we can get a dock and cash in this cargo!”  The crackle of the internal com makes Sen smile.   “Yeah, yeah, keep your panties on Kat. I was just admiring the view.” Sen says over the com to Katernia the Dreadnaughts fighter pilot and ship mechanic.  Reaching down Sen pushes forward on the throttle as traffic control hails the Dreadnaught.  Delacy, Reomoe, November, welcome, please submit a docking request before attempting to land at this station commander. Do you copy?”  
   The sound of local radio chatter can be heard over the subchannel monitor. A system authority ship pulls up next to the dreadnaught, sitting at it's 7 O’Clock it scans the Dreadnaught for any illegal cargo, searching the local wanted manifest to ensure no bounties are open on the ship. Only taking seconds to display the all clear on the Dreadnaught the Viper ship pulls away with a press of its boosters.  Sen watches the security ship boost away as he answers traffic control.  “Copy that tower, sending a docking request now.”  Sen scrolls through the left control screen sending off the request.  “You are clear for landing Commander, I have you set for landing pad 11.  Please proceed to dock. Station services are on standby for your arrival.”  The female traffic controller says as Sen adjusts the Dreadnaught and lines up the mailslot.  
  “I have the green, coming into the cage now.”  Sen calls over the com to the tower as he passes through the large opening.  The red and green lights mixed with the electromagnetic plasma shielding that holds the atmosphere into the station is bright and blinding at first pass.  Causing Sen to squint from the other side of the sunglasses he wears.  Looking ahead he sees the holographic display showing 11 over the midsize landing pad.  He throttles down, dropping the mag clamp landing gear as he rolls left to come into alignment with pad.  The thrusters bring the dreadnaught down to its landing target.  “I got the box tower.”  Sen radios to control giving confirmation landing is on track as the Dreadnaught touches down. “Landing complete, power down and welcome to the station Dreadnaught. It is good to have you back. Deploying ground crew now.”   The female controller radios back as Sen starts shutting down the ship.  The left door of the bridge opens up.  A thin woman, buzz cut hair dressed in a pilot suit comes walking onto the bridge.  “You know, I installed that docking computer for a reason, so you could just relax and let the ship land it self. Everyone knows you can fly Sen.”  Kat razzes Sen.  
  “Yeah yeah, we have bigger things to deal with other then parking ease.  How is the cargo? Where we at?”   Sen asks Kat as she drops into a nearby crew seat. Checking the ships inventory she smiles and looks back over at Sen as he starts to make a cup of coffee.  “Will you look at that. Not bad for the first run. We have,,, “  Kat clears her throat to announce clearly.  “Out of a cargo rack of 16, we collected 14 void opals from two asteroids. We would have had a full 16 but, you left some in that big chuck that hit us. “  She says to Sen in a pointed tone. “You remember, the one that gave us that wonderful mark along the side of the ship, when you were trying to fly through the shards of the astroid you blew to bits.”  Kat finishes with a playful smirk.
 “Your delusional” Sen says as he walks over pressing his hand to her forehead.  “You coming down Obsidian fever or something?”  Sen deflects as he leans over to look at the cargo display. Not bad. He changes to a new screen as he requests ground crew to lower the ship to a docking hanger.  He takes a sip of his coffee.  “So what do you think we are looking at?”  Sen asks.
“I would say 11 maybe 12 mil for that hour.”  Kat says, estimating the value as she brings up the stations commodity vendor. “Not bad for an hours work. Told ya so.”  Kat says as she enters in the cargo to be sold.   “Id much rather be hunting heads though, its what I do.” Sen says as the ground crew lower the Dreadnaught on the landing pad into a hanger bay.  “Besides killing bountie birds as got us pretty far do not forget that one Kat. But you are right, that is a dam good score.”  Sen admits as Kat stands up with a large grin on her face.  “13 million, seven hundred and twenty two credits. One hour, two asteroids, and this was our first time out doing this. We get better at this and put in a larger cargo rack we can really pull in some big blings Sen.”  Kat says with an excited tone.  

The celebration of the mining test run gets cut short by the ships AI voice.  “Sir, we have an incoming hail.  Mrs Winters office is calling.”  The ships british female voice says.  “Oh brother, here we go again. “ Kat says as she looks over at Sen.  “It’s like she gets reprots every time you hit a dock. Shes going to try to get you to pledge again mark my words.”  
 Sen gives Kat a looks to say he agrees with her prediction he walks over and sits down in the commander's chair as he answers the Hail.  “Thank you for calling Hudson's fried chicken how may I take your order?” Sen jokes as he answers.   “Well I must say that one is better then Travolds bar and grill line that you usually answer the President's call with.”  A mans voice comes over the com.  The expression on Sen’s face showing a bit of confusion as he looks back to Kat as if she holds some answer to why Ben Farglass, one of the Federations planetary researchers was calling him.  “Um hey,, Ben, long time no talk, what,, um… “ Sen struggles for words as Kat silently mouths the words “I’m out, catch you later.” her hand motions pointing at the door as she turns to leave.  She wanted to get started on shopping and food and had no interest in listening to more Federation pitches to Sen to rejoin Winters by pledging his allegiance to her.

“Sorry Ben, I was fully expecting it was going to be Felicia calling again. What, um, whats going on?” Sen asks as he watches Kat exit the bridge.
“Yes, President Winters is occupied and asked me to contact you directly. All of the Federation connected stations had your ship on flag to alert when you landed. Your expertise is needed urgently.” Ben states in a calm yet almost arrogant tone. “Ah come on Ben, you know I do not dance to the Fed melody anymore, I am not an officer, allied yes but I pick and choose, what,,” Sen is suddenly interrupted by Ben. “This involves Harris, and Brine. You will want to hear this.” The names being spoken causes Sen do fall silent. Ben takes the que to continue. “Now that I know where you are, I am having some data delivered to you. It is very important that you review the information and follow the included instructions.” Ben says clear and matter of factly. “Coming from where?” Sen asks. “I am unable to answer that on an open channel. There will be powers that seem to secure the information. I would however ask that you stay put until the data arrives. Again this is something you will want to see Sen. I will be in touch, goodbye.” The com goes silent. Sen sits for a moment before the silence is broken by Hector, the station ground crew manager as he walks onto the bridge. “Hey, Sen, Kat said you wanted a reload of limpants along with a refuel? That right?” Sen stands to face Hector. “Yeah, and can you do something about that wound on the ship? Ran into a rock” Sen says looking out the window of the ship to see if he can assess the damage. “Yeah, I saw dat when you were going down in to the hanger. One hell of a mark man. I will get the boys to replace the hull panels there. No problem.” Hector says as he leaves.

“Dex.” Sen calls out. “Yes Sir.” The ships computer responds. “Pull up Elina Harris’s pilots information and find out her last location and if Brine is still her ships Engineer.” Sen says as he starts walking for the exit door of the bridge. “Yes Sir. It will take some time to compile the public records on the FTL data com. Estimated time, 12 hour, 34 minutes.” Dex responds to the request. Sen grabs the small sliver case that holds 6 cigars and a zippo lighter and tucks it into his inside jacket pocket. Looking at his watch he makes a mental note of the time. “Good let me know when you have it all. Besides, we are not going anywhere until this data shows up anyway.” Sen says as he exits the bridge thinking of the cryptic conversation that Ben had left him with to try to decode while he waits.

(To be continued.)
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