Logbook entry

Akers wait. (Chapter Two)

03 Jun 2019Sen Zaurak
Finding his way down to the bar through the metal corredores of the station Sen pulls his com device from his inside pocket. Checking the signal strength of Kats transponder he looks up to see a small ground station transport vehicle passing by with one lone driver. Quickly jumping into the passenger seat he gives the driver a pat on the shoulder. "Hey mate, just need a bit of a lift." Flashing a amused smile at the man. The driver, not to bothered by the sudden passenger responds. "No problem, but I am not slowing down, when you find your stop, its jump tuck and roll on this ride buddy." He says to Sen. The serious comment only adds to Sen's amusement as he nods in agreement. "Story of my life mate, story of my life." Sen says back. Not really to the man as he looks around at the station activity passing by as the small electric cart works its way through the people and pilots.

Coming up on Block H Sen can see the recreation signs. Checking the transponder signal to narrow in on where Kat is tucked away. Deciding to jump off and walk the rest of the way, the driver senses the choice to get out. Pressing his foot down a bit more on the throttle of the electric cart. The sound of the motor winding up as the cart speeds up, Sen catches on to what is going on and looks over at the driver. Only looking to Sen for a moment with a cocky smirk on his face Sen quickly assesses what is taking place. The driver not looking over at him as he keeps his eyes on the path in front of him not wanting to hit anyone or anything at this speed. Just wanting to make the chances of Sen falling on his face as he jumps from the cart more possible.
Sen reaching up and slides his index finger along the arm of his glasses. The right eyepiece starts to glow blue. As if a switch was was flipped he raises from the small seat and leaps from the moving cart. Reaching out catching one of the many posts that adorne a direction sign. The speed of the vehicle and the weight of Sens body making it difficult to maintain a tight enough grip to the pole as Sen is flung around half way. His feet hitting the ground just as he lets go of the pole. Turning his body as the electronic HUD built into the sunglasses on Sens face locks in on the speeding cart. The driver swerving and nearly hitting another station vehicle as he looks back in amazement that Sen was able to make that jump and come out unscaved. Embarrassed by the attempt to injure and near collision sparks a middle finger salute to Sen as he speeds off. The digital enhanced image of the raised finger, the screen shots and facial recognition of the driver captured by the prosthetic enhancement built into Sen's sunglasses causes him to laugh slightly. Turning to a near by man also standing in amazement to what he witnessed. Sen spins on his heels to see the man looking back at him. "Dude, what the,,, what was that?" the man asks slowly walking forward to try to get a better look at the strange blue outline glow on the glasses, seeing bits of changing text and graphs. "That,,,," Sen pointing in the direction of the driver. "Was a busy man...." Sen deflects the actual question as he walks off to the direction of Kats signal.

Finding the bar Sen walks in. A few others leaving after what appears to be some sort of a altercation, he is not bothered by it nor shocked. Schurmishis are commonplace around stations so he continues into the bar. Looking around he catches sight of Kat. Moving across the bar to her location he catches sight of her. Tucked away in a corner, more empty glasses of beer around her as she laughs at something she is watching on her personal com device. Making his way over to her, as she is tucked into a corner she smiles up at Sen. "Ya missed it boss, a bunch of clockworks got rebooted." She says with a laugh as she takes a drink of her beer. Sen looks around the at the wounded before turning back to Kat. No I think I am just in time. Hey, we have some data coming our way, gotta stick around until it arrives so, not to much of that." He points at the beer she is drinking. "Not sure what the data is about but stay sharp yeah?" He says to Kat as he starts to make his way over to the bar. Kat returns to her personal com device as she puts a thumbs up to him. Sen turns to walk to the bar just as Kat picks up her beer and starts to down the contents in rapid form.

Sen reaching the bar he takes a seat, looking up to the bartender "Hey mate can you get me a Achenar Blue, im starving." He says after pulling the cigar from his lips. Reaching into his inside pocket to pull his own com device to lay on the bartop. He sits scrolling through his data records as his drink is sat down in front of him. Sen gives the bartender a appreciative nod and takes a sip of the whisky as he reads but not loosing awareness of the bar around him.

Looking over his list of materials he is running low on he suddenly hears the voice from the man next to him.

"You know, the smoke doesn't bother me but this bartender, well... you saw the mess they just mopped out of here."

Sen turns his attention to the direction of the voice. Taking a moment to look over his shoulder at the situation that was pointed out. Pausing slightly to look over the bar area. Turning his attention back to the man addressing him he nods slightly, removing the sunglasses from his face to give his eyes a quick rub. The strain from reading the personal com device's small screen was enhanced by the damage in Sen's left eye. A clear scar can be seen over the eye when the glasses were removed. Blinking a few times before returning the sunglasses back over his eyes. The prosthetic eyepiece calibration as Sen refocuses on the Gentleman. Yeah I did catch that when I walked in. "Shame Grid resistors don't fall out of those walking clockworks." He says holding up his com device showing a list on the screen. "Im told I am running low." Sen half jokes before placing the com device back down on the bartop.

Offering a smile and extending his hand out to the man. "Im Sen, Sen Zaurak." Nodding over to the direction of his fighter pilot who was tucked away in a corner, several empty glasses of beer around her as she Shops away for new gear though her own com device. "That little bird over there is Kat, my fighter pilot." Pleasure to meet you.

The man waves the bartender over for a refill, then reaches over the corner of the bar to shake Sen's hand.

"You can call me Silas." he says, making a brief two-finger wave toward the fighter pilot in the corner.
"What brings you to the station?"

Gives Silas's hand a shake before pulling the cigar from his lips. "Just getting some repairs done and a bit of restock before heading back out." Sen says. Looking over at Kat momentarily. "Just doing some near by mining as we are testing out some new mining hardware. Seems to be alright so far. "

Looking around the establishment. "So, you um, have issues around here with clockwork walkers often?" Sen asks motioning over to the remnants of schurmish.

"As far as the clockworks, I don't know about 'often'. I just got back from a stint out in Odin's Hold a few hours ago... but I've seen a fair share of action over my few drinks in here." Silas responds.

Hearing a notification alert on Kats com device he looks to her, as they share a look. Kat rising up from her seat moving over to Sen and coming up close. "Hey Boss, we have a prox alert at the ship in dock. Someone is hanging around." Sen nods and says to her quietly. "Check it out, I will sort things out here and meet up." Kat nods as she tucks the com device into her side pocket of her flight suit. Giving her fingers a snap and points at Silas. "Laters" she says as she walks out the door. Sen turning back to Silas. "I'll sort out anything she might owe. as it looks like we may just be heading out sooner then we expected." Sen flashes a smile to cover the slight frustration of the possible interruption of their stay.

"Sounds like you have other issues to attend to..." Silas pauses.
"You know, I'm not an explorer by trade, and all that time out in the black has me craving a little excitement. Don't suppose you need a little... assistance with your issue?"

He looks at his glass and swirls it, but doesn't sip.

"I've also got a Vulture docked here... not sure where you're mining or what your rig is, but mining alone can get dangerous."

Thinking the data delivery he was waiting for has arrived he hears the tone in Silas voice he nods slightly.

"Well, on the mining side of things it is not my usual ,,," pausing for only a moment "Day job,, so to speak."

Taking a drink of his whiskey.

"Collecting prices on heads and running protection detail for some of the more serious mining pilots out there is more my gig but. " Nods his head some. "I often get a wing going to run those jobs, and can at least promise anywhere from one to two Mil per protection run. "

Taking another drink to finish the whiskey as he sees a text message come in from Kat, he looks back over to Silas. "The professional miners give me leads on areas to find void opal in return for my protection. If any of that interests you, I am always happy to get another wing fighter on the roster." He says with a smile before taking a puff of his cigar.

Silas cracks a slight grin before finishing his drink and setting the glass down.

"That sounds right up my alley."
He fishes some money out of his jacket and sets it on the counter.

"I'm going to trot on down to the docks and make sure the old girl is combat ready."

EC stands, and slides a card down in front of Sen.
"That will get you into pad 16. V.G. Arbiter, ID VG-E01. Let me know when you have a contract." he says.
"If i'm not there make sure to announce yourself to my colleague."
He smiles and adds: "He likes swords more than he likes strangers."

He walks out of the bar with a two-finger salute.
"Good luck with your predicament." he says over his shoulder.

Kat making her way through the crowd of people to get back to the docking station where the Dreadnaught was secured. She is passing through the viewport lounge when the sounds of dock alarms and weapons fire can be heard. Various people rushing over to the viewing windows that overlook the landing docks as a viper makes its way through the mailslot. Hull damaged as bits of it break off as it enters the station. Smoke starts to emanate off the burned laser marks along the ships surface before turning to fire as it the oxygen in the station causes the hot areas to burn brighter. Docking bay 34 light up red as emergency services descended across the landing area ready to attend to the badly damaged ship.
Suddenly large capacity station weapons open fire as a cobra with weapons deployed comes through the mailslot. Security service ships firing through the opening striking the cobra as it tries to zero in on the damaged landing ship. The attempt was fruitless as the Cobra is destroyed inside the dock just as the Damaged viper smashes down onto the pad. Kat watches as the pilot blows the canopy of the ship and jumps out past the flames as emergency services spring into action in containing the fire and smoke.
Kat's mind jumps back to the proximity alarm on the Dreadnaught. She turns on her heels and pushes her way through the crowd that had gathered around the viewing windows to see the action. Breaking free from the people she makes into a full stride run to dock 11.

As Kat runs at full speed weaving and dodging through the people she can not help slightly ridiculous. She could be rushing for no reason. "Why am I running?" she asks her self but something inside her is telling her she should. Pushing harder to make it to dock 11 she at last reaches her destination. Breathless, and covered in sweat she runs her id tag along the reader to enter the hanger. The door lights go green as she hunches over, one hand on the wall as she tries to catch her breath. The sweat dripping from her face as the sound of the air pressure releases. The door auto opens as she walks out onto the catwalk that goes along he wall to the docking bay. As she starts to walk down the rap she notices a figure near the access pad to the Dreadnaught.

"Can I help you?" Kat shouts out.

The figure turning in surprise as he did not hear the door Kat entered from release.

"Yes! Hello my dear. Are you the fine pilot to this wonderful beauty of ship?" The man asks. His voice smothered in a rich Russian accent. His charm lacking any level of honesty Kat can feel something is very off about the situation.

"I am." Kat lies. Her eyes scanning the dock for any others that may be hidden she looks around seeing that another door to the dock had not fully closed. As if it was forced open as the auto doors to the docks are for security of the vaccumes that can take place from dock to interior of the station. Kat smiles playing along to what ever is taking place trying hard not to let on she can smell foul.

"Well you are a lucky commander." The man says to her. "I am here because I have some information for you, need to put it on your ship, if you would not mind showing me to your bridge?" The man smiles to her as he gets closer. Kat is taken back by the mans size. At least six foot, three, his body builder like frame, dark black hair covered in what looks like it could be systems grease. The man looked the part of a henchman. Not a pilot, nor a courier. Something just did not sit right with anything and she needed to let Sen know she needed backup.

"Bout time you got here I have a friend at one of the other stations that was looking out for you. I will just let them know I got the data." Kat says with a charming tone, putting on her sweetened voice knowing it would ease the rough edged beast in front of her. Sending out a text to Sen. "Yep got the data now report to the Ship right now ya lazy boozer." She types out as the large thug watches what she types into her Com device.

Looking up to the large man she continues the deception. "I would fire the useless staff if I could." She tucks the Com device into her inside pocket hoping that Sen picks up on her message. "Let me just get the charging key, sometimes the lift gets stuck and needs a charge boost, and as big as you are, I think we are going to need it. " Kat looks over her shoulder at the large man, putting it on even thicker with a flirt the man gives back a smile to her.
Kat reaches up to a access port and unlatches some hooks to get access to the one of the field service kits. Finding the capacity charger that is used to recharge the landing capacitors for the landing legs, when they run dry from the cold temperatures and silica dust from moons. It also delivers over 120 thousand volts and would work as a stun gun if needed. "Got it!" She says as she smiles and turns, walking back to him. He watches her but notices her over the top flirting he waits until the ships door lift nearly reaches the dock floor before he reaches out to grab her by the back of her neck. His large hand tight making her flinch and wench in pain. "You think you can fool me?" He growls at her. She takes the charger and starts to strike the man in the face, trying to break his grip on her. The sound of the lift lowering down and getting closer. He throws her forward into the path of the lowering lift. Kat lands hard on the floor, as she looks up to see the lift directly above her. The panic of being crushed to death by the Dreadnaughts lift causes her to roll out of the way just as the gorilla like man rushes to enter the lift gate. Pulling the control box door open he reaches out to press the up button just as Kat rises to place the charger to the mans chest. Pressing the button as the electric sounds of the charger is heard. The 120 thousand volts running through the man but it only slows him. Still moving yet slow he starts to pry his hands off the metal railing to reach for her. Kat's eyes grow larger as she can not belive what she is seeing. The voltage should have dropped him but its not enough. She knows he is going to free his hands and will take control of the tool she tries pressing it into the mans chest harder. A sudden sound of pipe on skull is heard through the electric ticks just as Kat looks up to see the man start to slump over and collapse. There standing on the other side of the hulking mass is a man. Flight suit burned, black smoke marks around the mans face clearly from a fire. Its the man from the Viper in the dock. Kat starts to say something to him. Seeing him standing there, large metal tube from the docking bay in his hands. Wielding it like a club it was effective in knocking out the thug.

"Where, is, Sen?" The pilot asks "I have some data for him." The pilot says almost in an angry tone.

Kat slumps over the railing of the lift, breathless, and exhausted her head drops as she says to her self. "This data better be worth a large fortune!" She says as she pulls her Com device out of her pocket to see the screen is cracked. Sighing she starts to send Sen a new text.

**** To Be Continued.****
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