Logbook entry

The Taxi ride. (Chapter Five)

05 Jun 2019Sen Zaurak
As the Dreadnaught drops out of witch space and locks in on the mega ship Sen looks over his shoulder at Kat.  "Take over will ya? I am heading down the to the research deck to figure out exactly what it is we have in that data."  He says as he gets up out of his chair and heads to the lower deck access.

Kat switches control of the Dreadnaught as she locks in the mega ship.  "We are almost two days out from it jumping to Guardian space Sir."  She says with a cautious tone.

"I know."  Sen responds.  "The ferry ship holds no active access manifest. When you land a ship on the docks of the mega ship, it will tuck you away safe and sound for the jump. Mostly other commanders show up in the last hours to get a spot on the ships docks to make the jump. Us showing up early will give us time to tuck away and do some research before we jump to Guardian space. "  Sen explains to Kat.

"What about him?" Kat asks as she nods the direction of the deceased pilot.  

"I am going to get an escape pod ready. If you can take us in near the orbital not far from the mega ship, we can eject him there. The transponder will signal out for a S and R to recover and the insurance for what ever family he may have will be covered.  It is the least we could do for the guy. He deserves it."  Sen says looking over at the corpse.

"You really have a heart after all." Kat rasses Sen.

"Hush you! Not going to have you running my evil club card rep!" Sen jokes as he moves to go to the lower lab deck.

The smirk on Kats face shows that she already knows the man she works for has more morals then most. She plots in the location of waypoints to eject the dead pilot where he can be found. Typing away and then moving the secondary flight controls to bring the ship around to point to the drop off zone she has configured in.  "And away we go." she half whispers to herself.

Sen moves down to the lower deck.  "Dex? Transfer all data marked firebird one to the lab."  He says as he climbs down the internal ladder to the lab deck.  A custom deck Sen built on board the Dreadnaught. Not typical layout for a standard Krait MkII.  Sen took the libraries of his hidden wealth and technical skills to construct areas on the Dreadnaught that no other Krait had.   Walking up to the control console he types in his access code.  "Dex, show me the federation encryption code to the data structure."  Sen explains as it comes up on screen.  Sens eye piece once again switching to blue glow as he reads over the source code of the data.

Leaning in he looks over the data being displayed. The Dreadnoughts computers fully equipped with Federation cypher algorithms shows the majority of the meaning behind the data.  "Holy , hell...."  Sen whispers as the internal com kicks in on the screen from Kat.  
"Sir, we are at the location for the escape pod drop off. Are you ready?" Kat asks.

Taking a moment to absorb the full range of the situation. Sen again looks over the meaning of the data. A heavy heart as he knows this will not be any easy task what he has been given. Taking a breath, he smiles up at the video com link camera to Kat. "Yep, five by five, on my way up." He says as he presses a button on the holo screen of the Dreadnaughts lab.  Turning to return to the bridge he says to the AI of the ship.. Dex, send a message to the countess. Let her know our location please?  

"Oh my. Are you sure this is a good idea Sir?" Dex asks/

"Nope" Sen can only say as he heads back up to the bridge.
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︎5 Shiny!
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